The 2025 Annual Forecasts are available for pre-order. Annual Forecasts will be sent via e-mail on January 1st.
Every year, the Sun moves through all 12 signs staying for four weeks in each sign. We are now entering that four-week window when the Sun will radiate Gemini energy, making everyone more curious about everything going on around them. We'll want to take short trips and explore the world. We will have an increased desire to pop out for coffee, grab a magazine and catch up on the latest with friends and neighbours. Many will sign up for a course or explore ways to learn something new. I love Geminis! They're free spirited, fun-loving and have the courage to fry bacon naked.
Because you're the "first" sign of the zodiac, there's something about spring that really boosts your energy. If you thought you were busy and energetic before - get ready because in the next month, you're pulling out all stops. Suddenly, you've got things to do, places to go and people to see! You want to take short trips. You want to learn new things and meet new people. You're busy! You also want to entertain and redecorate at home. In addition, you feel competitive especially with group sports and kids' activities. Meanwhile, while you juggle all this, you're full of moneymaking ideas -- and getting richer. Ka-ching!
This is a lovely time for you because lucky Jupiter is in your sign for the next 12 months, bringing you good fortune and giving you an edge over all the other signs. This is a major blessing! Meanwhile, for the next four weeks, the Sun will sit in one of your Money Houses, prompting you to think about cash flow, earnings and your wealth in general. It is occurring to you now that you want to make your money work for you. Not only that, you want to make what you own work for you as well. Well, of course. This makes sense: what you own should make your life easier and not the other way around. Right? How's that working out for you?
Once a year, the Sun is in your sign for four weeks and that time has arrived. This brings you many benefits and one of them is that it's your chance to rejuvenate and replenish yourself. The Sun in your sign will also attracts favourable situations and interesting people to you. Because fiery Mars is in your House of Communications, you identify more with your ideas. But you might be a tad stubborn this week. You might also be argumentative, which is generally not the best way to get what you want. Meanwhile, you will attract money, goods and favours to you, which encourages you to buy beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. One thing is certain: Now you clearly see what is working and what is not.
For the next four weeks, contradictory influences might affect you. On one hand, you're happy to be reclusive and enjoy time by yourself or to work alone. On the other hand, (you have different rings), with Venus in your sign, you are charming, diplomatic and eager to schmooze with others. Both Mercury and Jupiter in your House of Friendships will promote interacting with friends and groups, particularly younger people. Meanwhile, Mars makes you identify with your possessions. You feel like you are what you own. You might even get into disputes about values or property or possessions. Trust that Jupiter's beneficial influence will smooth things with friends and groups, because it will.
For the next four weeks, you're more popular! Enjoy increased activity with friends and interactions with groups and organizations. In addition, fiery Mars is now in your sign, boosting your energy and urging you to assert yourself among others. It makes you more of a fighter for your rights than usual. Count on this being a productive week, mainly because you have energy to work. In fact, you have energy to burn! This is why this an ideal time for physical sports and workouts. Meanwhile, discussions with bosses, parents and important people will go well, in large measure because you look successful to people - and everyone loves a winner.
The Sun is at the top of your chart, for the next four weeks, which symbolizes that you're cast in a spotlight that is flattering. People admire you. They see you as competent and capable, even if you don't do anything special. (Oh yes, the power of good lighting.) This means that this window of time is perhaps the most advantageous time of the year for you to promote your agenda and demand the advantage. Therefore, go after what you want because you will likely get it. Meanwhile, Venus will smooth the way for your relations with friends and groups because it will make you ooze charm and diplomacy. In fact, for some, a friend will become a lover.
Because your desire to travel and explore more of the world is pumped in the next four weeks, please look for ways to change your daily routine or travel. You need a change of scenery! If you can't travel, be a tourist in your own town. Expand your world through books, film, or documentaries plus talking to people from other countries and different cultures. Your interest in philosophy, religion, belief systems, politics and the law will be strong. (Actually, some of you might be more involved with the law.) This is a special time for you because your ruler Venus is at the top of your chart attracting people to you, especially related to your career. Romance with a boss or mentor figure might begin.
You are a passionate sign, and in the next four weeks, your passion will intensify. Perhaps you will encounter someone who encourages powerful changes in your life? Or some psychological self-inquiry? Personally, you have a stronger than usual desire to experience life at feeling level not just an abstract, intellectual understanding. You will also be more involved with bills, taxes, debt, shared property and inheritances. Plus, your ambition is aroused because Mars is at the top of your chart. Meanwhile, your desire to travel for pleasure and escape "from all this" is strong! By all means, travel if you can because you will love it.
Once a year, for four weeks, the Sun sits opposite your sign, which means symbolically - it is as far away from your sign as it can get all year. Because the Sun represents "energy", this means you'll be more tired and will need more sleep. (Go to bed.) This polarized position of the Sun will also give you more objectivity about your closest relationships, which is an opportunity to see how to improve you initiate to others, or react in these relationships. Meanwhile, Mars is urging you to travel and get a change of scenery; while Venus sweetens romance in a tender, affectionate away. Venus will also attract money and goodies to you. (Think of the workout you'll get opening gifts.)
You'll be busting your buns to be as productive as possible in the next four weeks because you're setting high standards for yourself. You want to be efficient! These high standards will include your health as well as your work, which is why you might begin a new health regime, possibly a diet or an exercise program. (If you eat in the dark you don't gain weight.) Nevertheless, despite your effort to be hard-working and efficient, relations with those who are closest to you will be lovely and rewarding because fair Venus is opposite your sign sitting in your House of Partnerships. This will make you appreciate your loved ones. In fact, this is a romantic time for your sign. Romantic and sexy! Grab opportunities to play and perhaps figure out how to swing a vacation!
Ta da! Once a year, the Sun is in the most playful part of your chart for four weeks and this time has arrived! Do what you want and set your own priorities! Fun activities with children will appeal along with sports events. This is a wonderful time for a vacation and romance. Socialize! Accept invitations! Enjoy the arts, social outings, picnics, barbecues, short trips and above all -- the theatre, galleries and opportunities to enjoy musical performances and fun times with others. A work-related romance might begin for some. Admittedly, with Mars opposite your sign, you have to be patient with partners and close friends, but this will be easy because you're happy!
Home, family and your private life will be your primary focus in the next four weeks. Many of you will be involved more than usual with a parent. You might focus on redecorating projects or reorganizing things at home. You might also enjoy relaxing among familiar surroundings. Meanwhile, Venus will encourage entertaining and socializing, so stock the fridge and invite the gang over. You will relate warmly with children. It's a great time for games and fun. Romance will be sweet and affectionate. One thing that will make you happy and relaxed is you feel there's no need to pretend to be who you are not. You'll be like Popeye, "I yam what I yam!"