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The 2025 Annual Forecasts are available for pre-order. Annual Forecasts will be sent via e-mail on January 1st.

All Signs

The overall tone of this week is one of hope. Thich Nhat Hanh said, "Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today." Without question, the expectancy of good or of something better is reassuring. This week begins with an electric energy as the Moon lines up with Uranus, encouraging those who dare to be different! As the week progresses, romance and passion will burst on to the scene. "Natasha!" "Boris!" Social times with others will be rewarding. Oh yes, hope is more than the feeling that the light at the end of the tunnel isn't a train. Hope is the feeling you have that the feeling you have isn't permanent.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This week will be quietly inspirational for you because four planets are "hiding" in your chart. The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune will give you a quiet strength and an inner conviction or belief in yourself. You are the warrior of the zodiac. It's so important for you to be confident because this gives you permission to act! Meanwhile, Venus and Mars will promote warm energy with friends and groups. You might hang out with artistic, creative people more than usual. You might also be in competition with someone or involved in a competitive way with a group. Your belief that your goals are possible increases your faith in your future. (Heady stuff!)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You might be surprised at how popular you are with others this week. The week begins with a creative and electrifying energy because the Moon is in your sign lined up with Uranus, while bouncing off Jupiter, the Sun and Neptune. This makes you enthusiastic! It also gives you the courage to be innovative and ready to explore new options. You might be more involved with younger people this week. Meanwhile, authority figures, parents, teachers and the police will look upon you favourably. In some cases, this will be so favourable, a romance with a boss might begin. This week you are ambitious, confident and successful dealing with others. You wanted more?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a lovely week because the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune are all at the top of your chart. This makes you look good in the eyes of others, especially people in authority. It also encourages successful communication with bosses, the police and VIPs. They will listen to you. Therefore, this combination of their admiration for you plus their willingness to listen to you, gives you an advantage! You can make headway asking for what you want or pushing your agenda. Meanwhile, travel plans and an opportunity to learn, study and write are favourable and abundant this week. A saucy romance with someone unusual will begin for some of you. (So hard to have a rose between your teeth when you're wearing a mask.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This week you're eager to explore new territory and expand your horizons, and it feels good! You're excited about travel and chances to learn more about the world and study other belief systems, concepts and philosophies. This same blessing will help some of you to pursue opportunities in publishing, the media as well as something connected with medicine and the law. Meanwhile, practical and financial support from others will come your way, so do keep your pockets open! Not only will you benefit from partners and other sources, many of you will experience a wonderful, sexy, inspiring connection with someone. (It will be very affectionate and caring.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You are a generous sign. Leos will even borrow money to lend it to someone else. (Hard for some people to understand.) This week, you will be involved with the wealth and resources of others. You might receive gifts or benefit from others. But more likely, you will do fundraising or use the wealth and resources of others to help someone else. (Because what goes around, comes around, you will ultimately benefit from your generous motivation.) While both Saturn and Mars are opposite your sign, you might experience challenges and tests in your closest relationships. Fortunately, fair Venus is also opposite your sign paving the way for a warm, mutual understanding with loved ones. Sweet!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Conversations and interactions with those who are closest to you - partners, spouses and close friends - will be significant this week. Suddenly, you have a greater appreciation of how important these people are in your life. You feel genuine affection for them. Travel plans might intrigue you at the beginning of the week. Throughout this week, you are happy to work and be of service to others because this gives you a sense of gratification and accomplishment. Since 2015, you have been working steadily toward your goals. Next year will be a breakthrough for you. Expect a miracle! The end of the week will be a social, friendly time for you, especially with partners, close friends and coworkers. People will be generous to each other.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Some of the many rewards that you will enjoy this week will be related to your work (and possibly to a pet). If it would be possible, you would definitely please Col. Saito because you will "Be happy in your work!" In fact, work-related travel is likely for many of you. All of you will roll up your sleeves and be very hands-on with what you do, and you will be pleased to accomplish a lot. However, by no means is this week all work and no play. Au contraire! Both Venus and Mars will guarantee social outings, romantic tete-a-tetes, a heightened interest in sports plus playful times with kids. Some of your cherished dreams might come true.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is a wonderful week for you because you feel playful, prankish and alive! Not only that, you will be in touch with your muse way more than usual. You will feel inspired, which is why you will enjoy the arts, music and opportunities to express your own creative talents. The magical part about this week is that many people will have the ability to translate the abstract to the concrete. You will literally create something from your original ideas. It will actually happen. Meanwhile both chaos and activity continue on the home front; however, warm feelings with family members will be a strong theme this week. You are loved.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You're still focused on home and family, or involved in home repairs and real-estate negotiations. Family relations will be sweet and tender because it's easy to imagine what it's like to walk a mile in someone else's wedgies. This empathy encourages mutual understanding and forgiveness. This soft energy also promotes success when dealing with a parent. Meanwhile, you want to travel or take short trips because you're enjoying the beauty of your daily surroundings. This is a wonderful week to write and produce something from your ideas. My Creative Writing professor used to say, "It's easy to write. You simply stare at your keyboard until drops of blood appear on your forehead."

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is truly a creative week for you! The week begins with some surprising situations, perhaps a change of social plans or something unexpected with children. Trust your imagination and your dreams. Dare be different! Too often, you try too hard to fit in. This is the perfect week to explore your ideas. Joseph Campbell said, "Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls." He also said, "The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." Do not discount the value of time spent daydreaming and being lost in fantasy for this could be the groundwork for a productive new path. This is also a good week for financial negotiations. Money will come to you!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You're loaded with charm and energy this week because both fiery Mars and fair Venus are in your sign. Obviously, your penchant for networking right now is stellar. Rally your troops and set them marching! Meanwhile, you might be surprised at the fanciful, imaginative ideas you have swirling in your mind that are connected with how you want to earn money, as well as how you want to spend it. Most great ideas have small beginnings. Never underestimate the potential of a tiny kernel of creativity because it can snowball into something magical and meaningful to millions. Physical exercise is a great idea for you this week. Do some huffing and puffing.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This week you are the protostar of creativity because the Sun is in your sign along with Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune. This means you are strongly connected with your dreams and your creative imagination. You're a walking Think Tank! Nevertheless, be sensible and be careful about biting off more than you can chew. It's fine to have your head in the clouds but make sure you keep your feet on the ground. Towards the end of the week, socializing and your enjoyment of the arts will be strong. In fact, during Friday, Saturday and Sunday the Moon will be in your fellow Water sign of Cancer, dancing with Jupiter and the Sun and Neptune in Pisces. Impossibly teeming and creative!