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The 2025 Annual Forecasts are available for pre-order. Annual Forecasts will be sent via e-mail on January 1st.

All Signs

This week has positive and stressful influences. Naturally, we all face the inevitable challenges of relating to each other. Therefore, I'm repeating a story I mentioned in October in which an old Native American grandfather told his grandson, "There are two wolves fighting inside all of us- the wolf of fear and hate, and the wolf of love and peace." The grandson listened, then looked up at his grandfather and asked, "Which one will win?" The grandfather replied, "The one we feed." This is a good reminder when we feel critical about others. (Hey -- a critic is just a wet blanket that soaks everything it touches.) For a happy heart - don't run upstairs or run down people.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It's easy to feel critical about a friend this week. But what's the up side of that? Fortunately, another astrological influence is at play. Sudden opportunities to travel or get further education are at hand. Not only that, philosophies, ideas and new religions or concepts will excite you. Expect to be introduced to a broader way of looking at life. This could come about through conversation with others, especially from other cultures. Or it could come about through travel and hanging out with people who have different ideas from yours. Be open to new ways of looking at something. Some of you could discover this through books as well. Lord Byron said, "A drop of ink may make a million think."

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Some tension with parents or bosses or authority figures in your life is definitely possible this week. (Both at the beginning of the week and at the end of it.) You might feel that someone is criticizing you or raining on your parade. Before you respond with indignation, keep in mind the story I mentioned in All Signs above. It could temper your reaction. Fortunately, the resources of others can help you now. You might hear good news about inheritances, or discover that goodies are coming your way. The universe is definitely ready to support you this week. Ignore those who block your way; welcome those who offer you assistance.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Even though you might be disappointed about travel, educational or publishing plans, something related to these very same areas can also encourage you now. (It's a mixed bag.) Your ruler Mercury makes a lovely aspect to lucky Jupiter on Monday. This makes you feel encouraged and hopeful about something. New plans are afoot! Partners or close friends could introduce you to ideas that expand your immediate world. Some kind of realization makes you more tolerant of others and their differences. Take note: someone is prepared to help you. Travel, education and publishing are promising even though there are a few glitches. C'est la vie.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The resources and help from another area (or another person) can benefit you in your job or boost your way of doing something; nevertheless, you might be disappointed with sexual relationships or the financial support or help you were expecting from someone. (Rats! What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away.) No matter what's happening, this is the perfect time for you to set some resolutions for the New Year because you're unusually gung ho to improve yourself at this time. Please note: conflict with partners and friends can arise because Mars is opposing your sign for the next five weeks. Consider the advice of the native grandfather in All Signs above. (That's the best way to handle a tough scene.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Be delicate in your conversations with partners and close friends this week (both at the beginning of the week and at the end.) Mutual criticisms or feelings of being shut off could dampen your spirits. Just let this pass. Don't make a big deal about anything because it won't improve matters. Ironically, new love or new partners could into your world now. Some kind of new contacts will excite you because they expand your ideas and your future expectations. Travel could be involved, or something to do with publishing, the media and education. You can accomplish a lot in the next month because you're energized to work and get better organized. Capitalize on this urge. Make hay while the sun shines!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a curious week because things at work are both very good, and yet at the same time, stressful. How to best cope? For starters, don't react personally to coworkers who disappoint you, or worse yet, are on your case. (Agghh.) Instead, focus on what is positive, because some good opportunities can definitely expand your job. These could be travel related. It might be the introduction of new duties or an expansion of how you do things. Something helps you to see the bigger picture. New job offers, or ways to expand your current job might arise. You might also expand or improve your working space. Love, romance, vacations and parties are sweet!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Romance is touchy this week. Ditto for relations with children, parties and socializing in general. (Hey - you're a very social sign, and you know that all fun occasions have their ups and downs. You can't win 'em all.) The good news is that while problems exist in these areas, they are also the same areas where you can reap some benefits and goodies! (Who knew?) This could mean new love and romance for some of you -- or an opportunity to go on a vacation. Creative projects can really take off now. Meanwhile, chaos at home due to renovations, redecorating or visiting guests could take place. Be patient with family members. They're in your life forever.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

It's definitely a mixed bag at home this week. Conversations with partners and authority figures might make your teeth itch. You feel shot down about something. (Got me!) Do not take this to heart. Something else will occur that totally brightens everything and expands your home life or enriches your family relations. New people, especially from other cultures, could show you something edifying and different. Home repairs or real estate deals could please you. Yes it's almost as if one hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing. However, this is your chance to break free of something. (Generally whenever we have to break free of is something we established ourselves.) Habits are first cobwebs, then cables.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

It's a curious week because something happens that discourages you, and then something different happens that totally lifts your spirits. Go figure. Perhaps conversations with siblings and relatives are a downer. Perhaps new acquaintances come into your life now in an exciting way. Perhaps the reverse is true. Just ride this to the finish because in the bigger picture, you're in for such a better year in 2007! (But nothing is perfect.) There's a strong likelihood you'll learn a deeper truth about something. If it's important, you'll want to convince others true see the light as well. (Note: moderation should not be practiced in excess.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

All signs are having ups and downs in the same areas of their life this week. It's kind of weird. For Capricorns, this occurs with financial matters, earnings and your possessions. In other words, you'll have discouraging news about money, as well as great news. Job opportunities might be in the toilet, then suddenly, everything reverses and you're laughing all the way to the bank. (I rarely enter a bank laughing.) One thing is certain: most of you will want to get more physical exercise in the next 4-6 weeks. You're on a mission to get back in shape. Fred Allen said, "I like long walks, especially when they're taken by people who annoy me."

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Right now four planets are in your sign: the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Neptune. Saturn opposes Venus at the beginning of the week, and Mercury, at the end of the week. This means relations with partners are bit stiff and discouraging. However, Mercury also gets a lovely hit from lucky Jupiter. (You'll love this!) Groups, friends and organizations really turn your crank. New acquaintances or exciting, philosophical ideas expand your world in a delightful way. The bummer stuff with partners is probably more of the same. (Things have been tough here lately.) But whatever pleases you is a completely new opportunity to expand your world in an enriching beneficial way. (Sounds good to me.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

First you're worried about something (probably private and secret); then you're really happy about something (probably private and secret.) This means nobody knows what you're going through because it's all so private and secret! (It was ever thus.) Don't worry too much about whatever discourages you because it passes quickly. (Especially if you drink a lot of water.) The good news no doubt relates to career, your life path, and your public reputation. You can handle this. Opportunities to travel and expand your world are at hand. Grab them. Consider conflict with a friend an opportunity to demonstrate grace under pressure. (If you win all your arguments, you'll end up with no friends.)