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The 2025 Annual Forecasts are available for pre-order. Annual Forecasts will be sent via e-mail on January 1st.

All Signs

This weekend Mercury dances with Neptune creating moments of celestial music, imaginary escapes, artistic visions, sympathetic observations, and a need to bond with someone in a mutually understanding way.(Gosh.) By midweek however, Mercury opposes big Daddy Pluto. This is always a conflict of wills! This energy can be harsh; but it has its uses. It's an excellent time to do research or solve puzzles. It does produce obsessive, compulsive thinking but sometimes that's what you need to get the job done. If you want to be totally focused -- you will be! Ispso facto. Cogito ergo dim sum. (Therefore, I think these are pork buns.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Two different influences are at play within days of each other right now. (They might be connected or not.) Essentially, you feel idealistic about something. You want to help someone. You might also want to talk to others, especially siblings, neighbours and relatives about a "situation" that needs attention. However, by Wednesday, your urge to help could perhaps turn into a real power struggle with someone. None of us can really see ourselves. Aries energy is extremely direct and forceful (and sometimes kinda bossy.) If you come on too strong with others, you could defeat your purposes. Make sure you see someone else's POV. (There will always be space between the pixels.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You're in the mood to treat yourself to something beautiful. (And because you're a sign with great taste, it will be beautiful.) Many of you are contemplating purchasing something luxurious or special for yourself (or your home or a family member.) Some of you might want to use your money or possessions to help those who are needy, especially unfortunate individuals in other lands or distant places. However, perhaps your efforts to spend money (for whatever reason) meet with opposition? Some kind of power struggle connected with possessions or money will take place perhaps on Wed. You want to use your money to make improvements; yet someone else wants to 'improve' your approach to what you do with what you own. (Caution: Shopping can be hazardous to your wealth.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Two major aspects this week are connected to your ruler Mercury. This weekend, you feel enormously sympathetic, imaginative and idealistic. Generally, when one feels this way something triggers these emotions. The pain and suffering of others is certainly one example. Being in wonderful surroundings can also inspire a greater appreciation of beauty. Your mind is full of fantasies. (Dreams are free but there's a small charge for alterations.) However, by midweek you might become obsessed about something! You can't get a thought or a person out of your mind. The upside is this focused mental energy could yield excellent research results. "Watson? Is this bubble wrap?"

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is an excellent time to work behind the scenes. Dig deep for hidden answers or solutions that eluded you in the past. If you're trying to learn something about anything, you'll succeed. You're mentally determined. You also have big ideas about how to make some improvements - to your health, to your work, and possibly to areas that affect others like the government. You have secret plans about something. (I think most people can keep a secret -- it's the ones they tell it to that can't.) Don't be pushy about trying to convince others to agree with your obviously superior suggestions. Learn to live and let live. (I tried it last Thursday -- it was fun!)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You feel kindhearted and tender to a friend or a group now. If you can help someone -- you will. Similarly, you might work with others to help those who are needy. (Always a good thing because what goes around comes around.) When you consider that your life is a constant harvest and culmination of the causes and seeds you keep planting - it makes sense to plant the kinds of seeds you want to ripen in the future! Ya think? Parents must resist being overbearing with children. Yes, you know best; but yelling and doesn't help them hear better. Ironically, if you really want somebody to listen - whisper. Lovers have an urge to remake each other. Just remember: people never want criticism -- they want praise.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You're daydreaming about wonderful, possible futures. (It beats reading appliances manuals.) Your plans are ambitious. They might embrace reform and improvements at work, or possibly a new, improved health regime. You want to make things better! Nevertheless, by midweek, you'll very likely lock horns with parents, teachers, the police or bosses and authority figures. Yikes! Your ideas might threaten them. Perhaps your words sound like criticism to them? If you want others to endorse your ideas - let them have input, then they'll buy in to the solution because they're part of the process. Capice? It's like making a two-year-old think it was his idea to get dressed. (It's called skillful means.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Ideas about publishing, foreign countries, travel -- plus concepts that are philosophical, spiritual, religious and political excite you now. You're going whole hog about something! It's OK to be excited about an idea but don't become a huckster. ("It slices! It dices! It cuts shoe leather!") Share your ideas but let it go at that even though it's hard to hold back when you're convinced what you know can help others. Unfortunately advice when most needed is least heeded. (Wanna petite point that?) Generally speaking, being a role model or a successful example of what you're advocating is the strongest message. In other words, people know the proof is in the pudding.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This week your antennae are way out there. (Some of you can pick up heavy metal music in your Mercury feelings!) Conversations are profound. What someone says really sticks with you. (What's that on your shoulder?) Discussions about inheritances, estates, insurance matters and shared property might arise. You feel open-minded, generous, and concerned about someone or something. However, by midweek you're obsessed! You want others to agree with you. You know you're right and you're prepared to stand your ground. Well Darth, whatchyagonnado? You can't just be Veni vidi Velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around. Be gentle. Give others more breathing room. (And Darth, speaking of breathing --.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Conversations and dealings with partners and close friends are a mixed bag this week. Initially, lots of mutual sympathy and understanding seems to flow back and forth. Mucho simpatico. (Kinda gives you a warm feeling in your tummy.) But by midweek, there's trouble in paradise. Are you trying to convince others to agree with you? Consider the following: Once a year, a snake has to shed its skin in order to stay alive; but if you pull the skin off a snake -- you'll kill it. Sometimes you have to let things go at their own pace. Others must learn the way they naturally do. That's why pushy doesn't cut it. In fact, one aspect of stupidity is jumping to conclusions. (Personally, I never jump -- I pirouette.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You're probably nursing some excellent ideas about how to improve where you work, or improve your style of working, or even improve your health -- or all of the above. One thing is certain: you're a perfectionist. You want results. This is good. Anything that was ever achieved under the Sun -- began with a thought. (i.e. an intention.) So having good intentions is the right beginning. The challenge is to let others bumble along at their own pace. (Always painful to watch.) No matter what your ideals now, don't proselytize, propagandize and urge others to follow suit (especially Wednesday.) You might only create opposition. And there are none so deaf as those who are wearing headphones.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your creative vibes are hot this weekend. You're full of wonderful ideas. You're also romantic, lighthearted, fanciful and playful. You feel tender toward romantic interests and children. Don't let these good intentions backfire by trying to convince others to go along with your recommendations. After all, all Aquarians are born 50 years ahead of their time. You're ahead of the pack! Others cannot grasp your vision. As the lead dog, you have the clearest view. But let it go at that. Be glad you have your own Universal take on things. Enjoy your life. Act on your own beliefs and observations. Others will catch up to you when they can. (If ever.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Someone or something within your family dynamic arouses your sympathy now. You want to help if you can. (You're sweet and kind.) Quiet, considerate, confidential conversations might be mutually beneficial. People need to talk and confide in each other, including you. However, if you dig your heels in about something -- conflict with parents, teachers, bosses and authority figures might be the result. Not a pretty picture. Does it really matter if others don't agree with you? You shouldn't be surprised because you know we are all different. Some prefer bread, some prefer rice, some prefer potatoes. I prefer fresh salmon, but then I'm not a fish -- you are.