All Signs

Most of us had sudden, unexpected interruptions or changes in our lives recently. (Personally, I ran out of cream. Not a major event compared to others but after the initial shock abated, I decided to use milk for my coffee. After all, one must be flexible and use the best alternatives to go forward in life.) This week's column is a bit of on over cap (and for those living south of the Tropic of Capricorn - an under cap.) Idealism now morphs into realism. Hence, we'll all get a lot more done. Practical stuff. The real deal. (Pick up your dog poo!)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Since 1996, you reinvented yourself. The question that faces you now is -- can I sing my song? In other words, you want more than just a job. You want adventure, excitement and thrilling challenges. You want a meaningful path in life. (You at least want to find your way around new sections downtown.) By the end of this year and all of next year, something will help you to move in this direction. The resources of others will become available to you. Inheritances, insurance payouts, and settlements will favour you. Your partner will earn more. Goodies, gifts and perks will be yours. The Cavalry is on its way!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The year 1999 was significant. What we both know is that now is the time for you to establish a home base for yourself and your loved ones. Where are you going to live? This is the question on the tip of your tongue. And do you want flannel sheets? And what about new towels? For the first (and only) time in your life, Mars will be in your sign for 6 months! Mon Dieu! You're PowerPoint on steroids. Mars will stay in your sign until Feb. Take advantage of this burst of focused energy! Clean up, renovate, make changes where you live or move. Create the home you always wanted.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

It's been a whole new world since 2001. In a way, your head is still spinning. (Both of them.) Because it's important for you to hone and refine how you think, talk and communicate to others -- your daily milieu will soon change. (Job, residence or both.) This change in your daily world (which will almost surely take place in the next 2 years) will affect how you relate to your environment and those around you. This - in turn - changes you. Voila! You can now speak Senegalese. Plan to take a vacation. Three planets urge you to flirt create, enjoy yourself and grab life by the tail. (Ever the wordsmith - it could be the tale.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Money, money, money. Where is it when you really need it? This is the time to give some serious thought to how you want to earn money. But at a deeper level, the question you're really asking is -- what really matters in life? You want to establish a set of values that will serve you well. I think the aim of life is to be happy. And according to the wisest of the wise, the most solid path to happiness is developing love and compassion for others. (It's one of those cosmic jokes.) Therefore, you have to figure out how to do this. The rest will all then fall nicely into place. This does not mean you should be a martyr. Au contraire! Just soften your heart to yourself and others.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're getting serious. You're narrowing your focus to address what is really important in life. This year and next, mark the beginning of a new 30-year cycle for you. You're on the cusp of huge change. You're still letting go of things - people, places, possessions and jobs. (Older Leos went through something similar in 1975 -77.) You're even changing your dress and your image! ("What about this? Ya think? Too much skin?") Right now you're ambitious in your career and at the same time keen to make where you live look more attractive. You can do it all. You're King of the jungle! Rooooaar!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

There's no question that in the next few years, you will give up many things -- people, places, jobs, ideas, beliefs and possessions. For the most part, you'll be happy to do this. It will be the inevitable conclusion or culmination of something. This lightening of your load prepares the way for a new life around 2007-08. In the meantime, focus on earning more money. (Because you can.) Quite soon, different things will take place in your life that lift your daily optimism to a new, lovely level. You'll be happier! (Happy is empowering.) Your confidence about your future and your ability to script your life the way you want it to go will grow.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Since 1996, you've worked steadily to achieve your goals. Now you see what you have accomplished, and what you haven't. The ball is still in your court however. You can reach out and grab it. Perhaps it's time to integrate your activities with others? Do the group thang. Create study groups or groups to take on a particular activity - anything from a moveable feast, to sports to the study of a particular field. You'll gain the most now by forming working units with people. Allow others to have more input into your life. (What's it all about Alfie?) Travel, study and broadening your education appeal to you now. Time to learn a new language?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You're entering a time of harvest. All those seeds you planted since 1984 are going to ripen. The good seeds will be successes. The bad seeds will be the areas where you see you have to let go and move on. (The sesame seeds were used for the bagels.) Mars opposite your sign forces you to be more patient with partners and close friends. This is not a bad thing to cultivate. Patience is a virtue. When you have more patience, your life is easier and happier -- and ditto for the lives of those who are around you and close to you! Isn't it a drag to be around someone who is constantly impatient with every little thing that goes wrong or is delayed? Bummer!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

What's exciting about your life right now is that you're finally really stoked about something. This is important because you are the most future oriented sign of the zodiac. You need something to look forward to. Something to aim for. (You're the Archer.) You love anticipation and planning. And you love the thrilling uncertainty of the fresh unknown! This unusual placement of Mars in Taurus for 6 months helps you to work hard now. Make the most of this! Get down to it and work for what you want. Do your homework. Be confident that you'll have positive results in the next few years. You will have a reckoning - a time of harvest. Therefore, plant well.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Lucky Jupiter is at the top of your chart. Important people, VIPs, bosses and opportunities come to you now. It's easy to make a name for yourself. You can't help but promote your good reputation in some way. (Can I have an autographed cheque?) Right now three planets are at the top of your chart: the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter. Furthermore, they make strong aspects to other planets. This is a good time to buy RRSPs, make investments in joint ventures, and plan for your future in a solid practical way. You are happy to solidify these matters. You want to have a well-planned future. Your sign is old when you're young -- and young when you're old!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

With Saturn opposing your sign, your closest partnerships and friendships are stressful. Some of them will now be history. If so, it was meant to be. Do not lament what is over. Doing that is like holding on to a hot pot. It hurts! You have to let go. Others partnerships will undergo adjustments but they will endure. The important thing to know is that you're stronger. You are demanding more for yourself because you're stepping boldly out into the world in a more confident and purposeful way! It's time to focus on your career and your external world. And you're going to do this for the next 15 years. Don't worry. You'll still go home for dinner.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Hard work is where it's at for you. You are going to build, construct and create structures that give you a big payoff a few years down the road. Heave ho! You'll surprise yourself and others with how industrious and energetic you are. This output of energy will improve not only your own life - but the lives of those around you. This is the payoff! When you create happiness for others, your own life inevitably becomes happier. Voila! People are grateful for your help and your industry. Plus they admire you, and want to be with you. You feel increased self-respect. It's a big win/win situation. What can be better than that? (Well, besides that.)