Element: Fire

Symbol: The Ram

Ruling Planet: Mars

"A smile is a facelift that's in everyone's price range."

Thomas F. Wilson
(April 15, 1959)

Hey you!

You're impulsive, spontaneous, fast-moving, first in line and chasing a fire truck. (Ha! The odds are you're driving it.) You love to begin things not finish them; but hey, this isn't your fault; well, actually it is. You're an energetic self-starter who can rally the troops and be the leader of the pack. You'll try anything once and you rarely refuse a dare. You're competitive. You love sports cars. You're romantic, artistic; and although few would believe it - you can be shy. Your motto is "What Aries wants, Aries gets!"

Everybody's Got a Past

In the mid-90s, you gave up people, places and possessions so that you could move on to something new. In fact, 1996 was a stellar year because you make a great impression on everyone. By 1999, you were confident because lucky Jupiter was in your sign. From 2001-2003, you moved or changed jobs; and in the next few years, you worked hard to solidify your home base.

By 2005-2006, relationships and partnerships were promising! "Hey babe!" The year 2008 was a great time to promote your good name. You shone! Around 2011, you received attention for your past efforts; however, that is also when you entered into two-three your struggle with partnerships. By 2014, many of you improved your home or got a better home; although money was tight. Soon your job scene picked up and in 2016-17 partnerships and close friendships were a benefit to you -- financial, emotional and practical.

This last year has been a time of preparation for you. You gave yourself ambitious goals and started to lay the groundwork to begin to achieve those goals. Even though you move fast, contrary to what some think - you're a careful planner. You always have the future in mind.

Welcome to 2018!

Money, Job, Status

Let's talk money. Let's bring a grin to your puss. The year 2018 is looking so bright, you're gonna need shades! For starters, this year is the beginning of your time of harvest, which is a wonderful time that occurs for each of us about every 30 years. Should I repeat that? Every 30 years! This means this is your special time when you will reap the results of the seeds you have sown in the past 15 years, and especially in the past seven years.

Naturally, no one is perfect. There were some dicey seeds cast around. These are the ones that will create some failures. But don't even hesitate! Don't look back. Cut your losses and keep going forward because most of the seeds you planted were productive and healthy. This is where you will reap the rewards!

In 2018, most of you will get accolades, a promotion, kudos, scholarships and a chance to realize a past dream that you always wished would come true. It's time to take a bow and acknowledge that you worked hard for what you are about to receive. You deserve it!

And here is where the picture gets even better. In this very year when some of your most sought after dreams are coming to fruition, lucky moneybags Jupiter is travelling through one of your Money Houses - specifically the Money House that deals with other people's money i.e. financial institutions, banks, family and anything to do with shared property, inheritances and debt.

This means that you will easily get money from other sources! It's the perfect year to go for a mortgage or a loan. Many of you will receive an inheritance. You will also benefit from the increased wages or bonuses that your partner gets. Even in subtle ways, you will benefit from the wealth and resources of others because they will let you use what they own or literally give you things.

So as you enter this wonderful year of the acknowledgement of your achievements - you also get the financial support from others that you can use. Break out the bubbly!

All Your Relationships

It's a curious thing but sex and money are strangely related. We like to think they aren't. We like to think that money has nothing to do with relationships because we are above that - even those of us who are deeply shallow. But it aint't true. Money problems are tough on relationships. (Money can't buy love but it can improve your bargaining position.)

So for many of you, your relationships will flow more easily because you will be successful in your world! Not only will you be successful, you will be perceived as being successful. And you will benefit from others - including banks. All these benefits will affect your closest relationships.

Jupiter magnifies things. (And because Jupiter is in one of your Money Houses, you can benefit from the wealth and resources of others.) However, Jupiter will also magnify your sex drive. How sweet it is! So yes - sex and money are looking good in 2018.

But there is a catch. (No fair! There's always a catch in life!) Remember that you're entering your time of harvest, when you reap what you have sown. If you're in a relationship from hell - this is the time that relationship will end. Your chickens have come home to roost. The deed is done. Fire in the hole. The dolphin is in the Jacuzzi.

However, for most of you, this will be a winning year with friendships, partnerships and relationships. Pick up the tab and show everyone what a hero you are!

Home and Family

In the last few years, major upheavals and changes have taken place within your family and home. It is now up to you to instill stability and build for the future. You have worked hard to get to this place, which is why you will reap your rewards.

Because this is a time of fruition and harvest, many of you are achieving your dream home. For some, it could be your first home - that's a dream! For others, it's a major step in the direction you want to go. The beautiful thing about the fact that you will have increased wealth and success this year, is that this makes everything to do with your family and your private life run more smoothly.

Money problems will be far less. You will be generous to family and provide them (possibly because you get a loan or mortgage) with something they really want or need. Furthermore, because you will feel prouder and happier this year, it will be easier to get the respect of your family and loved ones.

This is the perfect time to explore real estate or build a home or do anything that requires getting mortgage or loan because you can do this so easily! And it's important to know this. This blessing that lets you easily get a loan from a financial institution will not be this strong again for another 12 years. Yup - we're not just whistling Dixie

2018 Monthly Highlights


This month begins strong for you because the Sun is high in your chart and you look fabulous to everyone - especially people in power. You are still in a stage of preparation and getting performance ready for your debut this year, which is your time of fruition. Incidentally, you only have this happening twice in your life - maybe a third time in your 90s. Your sex drive is strong this month. You will also defend your best interests regarding inheritances and shared property. Relations with power types are smooth. You rock!


A popular month! Not only that, you want to travel and spread your wings. Anything to do with the law, medicine, higher education, publishing and the media will offer exciting challenges and opportunities to you. And now -your time has arrived - you are fully and completely in your time of harvest! Enjoy warm, camaraderie with friends and groups. This is an excellent time to relate to younger people and artistic types. In fact, why not share your hopes and dreams for the future with someone to get their feedback?


Because your birthday looms soon, this is the appropriate time to hide in the wings and keep a low profile. Use this as an opportunity to plan what you want for your "new year" to be all about. (Your new year is from birthday to birthday.) This is a good month to do research and work alone or behind the scenes. But mostly, it's an excellent time to cogitate, ruminate, meditate and make plans for your future. As the saying goes - successful people know where they're going. Meanwhile, you are still putting out lots of energy to travel and enjoy new places and see new faces. Many of you will also explore publishing and the media.


Happy Birthday! Once a year, the Sun is in your sign for four weeks and when this occurs, it's your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Not only that, it has the power to attract important people to you as well as favourable situations. This means that you are in charge - in a winning way. Your ruler Mars is at the top of your chart, which means you are also super ambitious. With the combination of Mars at the top of your chart and the Sun in your own sign - frankly, you are unstoppable. Meanwhile, Jupiter is still sitting there bringing you all the financial and practical support you need. "Look Ma! No hands!"


How curious. This is a strong money year for you; and this is your money month! Now your focus turns to cash flow, earnings, assets, major purchases and your wealth. Perhaps this is when you will line up money for a new home? Perhaps you will get a raise or a better job? Whatever the case, Venus makes words sweet and diplomatic; and Mercury in your sign guarantees that you will be intellectually bright, clear and talkative. Deadly combo! Nobody can resist you! And of course, fiery Mars is still at the top of your chart arousing your ambition as never before. Frankly, isn't this all a bit much?


This is a busy, fast-paced month! You hit the pavement running and keep going for the next four weeks. Your accelerated daily pace could be due to a jam-packed schedule full of short trips, errands, conversations with everyone plus increased reading, writing and studying. This is an excellent month to learn something or study a new field. You will want to entertain at home as well and in fact, you will buy beautiful things for your home because redecorating and fixing up your digs is a priority. Family relations are warm and smooth.


This month you will focus on home, family and real estate issues. You might improve your home in some way. Perhaps your interaction with a parent will be significant. You will also want to pull in, as it were, and cocoon at home because it will give you great satisfaction to be among familiar surroundings. This is also a good time for parties, romance and vacations. Nevertheless, Mars, high in your chart, still revs up your ambition so you're giving your career everything you've got! Good time to make plans.


This month is dank as the millennials would say. It's fun city full of promises of vacations, romance, parties, sports events, cool art exhibits, barbecues and playful activities with children. The bottom line is - "Let's have a good time!" Venus is opposite your sign this month making your closest relationships sweet, affectionate and pleasing. You're also bursting with creative ideas, (and hey - you are creative!) You will love the month of August. Start making reservations right now for a cool place where you want to have fun!


Okay - the party's over. It's back to school and you're ready to knuckle down to work hard. This month you want to be as efficient, effective and productive as possible. You will do routine tasks that you normally avoid like the plague. You will dive into details and the nitty-gritty of things. Fortunately, relations with partners and close friends are warm and supportive. And of course, your ambition is still superstrong! This month you might be involved with a pet. You might also have more focus on your health.


This is the only month all year when the Sun is 180? opposite your sign, which means it's as far away from you as it gets all year. Symbolically, this means you will get "less energy" from the Sun, your source of energy. Ergo - you need more sleep. (Go to bed.) However, this polar opposition of the Sun also means you will focus on your closest relationships and partnerships more than usual. This is not surprising because sweet Venus is in a part of your chart that heightens your sexual drive. Romance will be memorable! And cozy. Smoochie boochies!


This is a strong, passionate month, which means you feel passionately about practically everything. (Yes, including that.) Quite likely, you will focus on debt, taxes, insurance issues or anything to do with loans, mortgages and the wealth and resources of your partner or someone else. Fortunately, because Venus is opposite your sign, relations with others, including loan officers and such - will be warm and supportive. Meanwhile, this is also a great month to study and finish school papers. Likewise you might want to expand your world by travelling somewhere. A competition with a friend or a group will be unavoidable. "I win!"


This is a fabulous month full of adventure and new, fresh experiences. Many of you will travel somewhere exciting this month. In fact, not only will you travel this month, something will happen that makes you decide to travel more frequently in the future. Could this be that you will buy a home in a foreign country or another place so that you can enjoy a fun getaway? Some of you will explore new opportunities in medicine, the law, higher education, publishing and the media because these are areas that benefit you in 2019. This continues to be a passionate, sexy month- and an excellent time to receive gifts and goodies from others. Yay you!

A Sneak Peek Beyond

Next year, you dearly want to travel. And as hard as this might be to believe, it appears that in 2020, you are looking even better than this year. (I cannot believe this myself.) But not only does your time of harvest still continue for you - but in that year, lucky Jupiter is at the top of your chart promoting your reputation in a positive way. Yes, it's your turn to put your name up in lights!

The year 2023 will bring you happiness, contentment and an appreciation for life because lucky Jupiter will be in your sign. The last time this occurred was 2011. Enjoy your good fortune!

By 2023-24, you will enter a three-year window where you will start to downsize and plan for big changes because you will be letting go of what is longer relevant in your life. The reason for this is so that you can begin something completely fresh and new 2025. Yowsers!

My Aries Mantra for 2018

"I'm proud of who I am and grateful for my good fortune!"

Mercury Retrograde in 2018

Mercury retrograde occurs three times a year. This is when Mercury appears to go backwards in relation to planet Earth. (In reality Mercury always moves forward.) During these so-called retrograde times, the areas that Mercury has domain over inexplicably suffer from errors and delays. The errors are small but frustrating!

Mercury has domain over everything that moves forward:

  1. all forms of ground transportation, (cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, buses, taxis, trains)
  2. the mail, parcels, packages (Post Office plus Courier and Delivery Services)
  3. communications - email, social media, phone calls, conversations
  4. it also includes daily living (the people we encounter, the items we deal with, the transactions we make and how we relate to others.)

During Mercury retrograde, all the areas under the domain of Mercury tend to go "backwards." They certainly have trouble going forwards. We can expect transportation delays, missed buses and car breakdowns. Mail will be late or lost, daily items that we handle like keys and papers will be misplaced; and communications with others will be confused and misunderstood. Plus people from our past will pop up into our lives. ("Boris?" "Natasha!")

However, we can make good use of Mercury retrograde times to finish things, study the past, do research and reflect. But do not open a business or begin new projects. Mercury retrograde is also a bad time to buy cars, trucks, bikes, computers, printers and phones.

The dates below are the actual retrograde dates plus the buffer times. This is because Mercury starts to slow down before it goes retrograde. Then afterwards, it needs more time to catch up to where it was at when it first went retrograde.

The craziness (delays and errors) is most pronounced during the actual retrograde time. However, if you are buying a big ticket item like a car or a computer, I recommend that you play it safe and avoid these purchases during the buffer times as well. You'll be glad you did.

Mar. 23 - Apr. 15 (Buffer times: Mar. 16 - May 4)
Jul. 26 - Aug. 19 (Buffer times: July 15 - Sept.3)
Nov. 17 - Dec. 6 (Buffer times: Nov 9 - Dec. 25)

Lucky Days for Aries People in 2018

  • January 22, 23
  • February 18, 19, 20
  • March 18, 19
  • April 14, 15
  • May 11, 12, 13
  • June 8, 9
  • July 5, 6
  • August 1, 2, 3, 29, 30
  • September 25, 26
  • October 22, 23
  • November 18, 19, 20
  • December 16, 17

Who Shares My Birthday?


Gary Oldman 1958
William Shatner 1931
Hope Davis 1964
Mary Berry 1935
Kate DiCamillo 1964
Amy Smart 1976
Nathan Fillion 1971
Lauren Weisberger 1977
Ming Tsai 1964
Celine Dion 1968
Christopher Walken 1943


Debbie Reynolds 1932
Michael Fassbender 1977
Jane Goodall 1934
Robert Downey Jr. 1965
Hayley Atwell 1982
Rick Cosnett, 1983
Ed Speleers 1988
Robin Wright 1966
Elle Fanning 1998
Charlie Hunnam 1980
Matt Ryan 1981
Ed O'Neill 1946
Eudora Welty 1909
Loretta Lynn 1932
Seth Rogen 1982
Claire Foy 1984
Sean Bean 1959
Eric McCormack 1963
Ashley Judd 1968

Happy New Year, dear Aries!

Love and warm wishes from Georgia Nicols