"Of course I have played outdoor games. I once played dominoes in an outdoor cafe in Paris."

Oscar Wilde (Oct. 16, 1854 - Nov. 30, 1900)

Introduction to Annual Forecasts for 2011

Pluto is in Capricorn. It has been in Capricorn since November of 2008. Before that, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in the mid 1700s. Hey - that was when we had the Industrial Revolution, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution. Verrrrry interesting. In astrology, Pluto has rulership over countries, and Capricorn rules the government. That's why when Pluto returned to Capricorn in November of 2008, it was easy to predict President Obama would be elected because that was a revolutionary event! The first Afro-American President of the United States.

This year, in 2011, the next two outer planets will change signs. Neptune moves into Pisces (the very sign it rules) and Uranus moves into Aries.

Do we care?

Well, the last time Neptune was in Pisces was between 1848 - 1862. And the last time Uranus was in Aries was 1927-1935. (Tough times for many people!) However, the last time that both planets shared the signs they are moving into this year was from 1848 to 1851. Holy French fries! Those dates coincide with the great potato famine in Ireland. Does this mean we're heading into a famine? Sadly, in some places, I fear the answer is yes. Fortunately, in June this year, Jupiter the planet of wealth is moving into Taurus, the sign of tangible wealth and banks. This will bring some positive juice to financial institutions.

We are definitely entering a decade where fire hazards will be more harsh than usual. Uranus rules explosions and unpredictable events, and Aries is a feisty Fire Sign! Do yourself a favour and buy a fire extinguisher. (I did. It cost $30.) Install smoke detectors. Keep cooking areas and stoves clean. Make sure your microwave vents can "breathe." Be smart with heaters, and don't use ordinary extension cords for them. Check electrical cords and get rid of old frayed stuff. And never smoke in bed. In just one year, when Uranus was in Aries during 1845, 1000 buildings burned in a Pittsburgh fire; 1500 houses burned in Quebec fire; 1000 homes burned in New York city fire, 1600 were killed in a theatre fire in Canton, China.

Not only are fire hazards on the increase, but fiery revolutions are more likely to take place as well. Yes, the natives are getting restless. "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

We will start to see new patents for new inventions, especially related to drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, gas, oil, and the film industry. The explosive quality of Uranus in Aries is very creative and exploratory!

The last time that both Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Aries occurred, we had gold rushes. "Go West, young man, go West!" Indeed, with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and wealth moving into Taurus, the sign associated with tangible wealth and banks, we can expect the economy to look richer in some way after the summer. About time!


Look at You!

You're a social sign, which is why you love schmoozing! You entertain, you go to parties, the theatre, and you particularly enjoy a good table at a good restaurant. "Who wouldn't?" you might ask. Plenty! But no one you know. You delight in the company of others, in fact, you need the company of others. You appreciate beauty in your surroundings, and you dress well. (Libra rules fashion.) Because Libra also rules the scales of justice, great lawyers all have Libra somewhere in their charts, and in turn, every Libra is a Philadelphia lawyer! (Ya think?) You're concerned about justice and not afraid to be a whistleblower!


Who Doesn't Have a Past?

Essentially, you reinvented yourself in the 80s, and then tried to figure out what to do with the new you in the '90s. Relationships began to fall apart around 1996-98. (You hate splitting up with people.) Fortunately, by 2003, you felt you were really hitting your stride, and by 2005, you were happy! (How sweet it is.) Of course, everything is impermanent, including happiness (which ebbs and flows). By 2008, you began to let go of people, places and possessions. Some of you quit jobs, others moved, and many dissolved important relationships. (Ouch.) Ironically, this was a time in your personal life when your family scene was enriched. You might have moved to bigger digs or acquired new things, which allowed you to enjoy your home. ("I love where I live!") Your home began to look more lush, or richer and more elegant. (You like this because no sign more than you is so strongly affected by their surroundings.) No wonder the last words of fellow Libran, Oscar Wilde were, "Either that wallpaper goes or I do!"


Reality Check for 2011

This year marks a major turning point in your life. (The last time you had such a significant shift was around 1980.) After having let go of so much in the last few years, you're now steering in a new direction. You might be in a new residence, or a new country, or a new job, or a new relationship, or any combination thereof. In fact, this year, your life might change so dramatically your daily wardrobe even changes! Fortunately, while these changes are taking place, others are beautifully supportive. In fact, later this year and into next year, you will benefit from the wealth and resources of others. You're starting out on a new 29-year cycle of growth. Power struggles, particularly for those of you born in September, have been ghastly. You prefer to keep the peace and not rock the boat. But you will defend yourself -- ah yes! Because this is the beginning of the cycle for you, it's wise to turn inward and get in touch with yourself. You might feel a bit tired this year, perhaps withdrawn. The bottom line is you need to know who you are, and you intend to find out.


Career and Reputation in 2011

This might not be a particularly stellar time for your career because many of you are beginning to explore new avenues and new ways of expressing your talents. Therefore, you don't want to spread yourself too thin. You're a bit more tired this year, and you want to play your cards close to your heaving bosom. Nevertheless, partners are extremely supportive. (A big plus.) You'll be successful if you team up with others, or have to do fundraising. Late this year is an excellent time to get a loan or have others endorse your projects, even financially. Now is the time to strategize and figure out the direction you want to go. By 2013-14, you'll experience success, praise, promotions, and a major acknowledgment of your efforts! (It's good to know this now so you can see what your time frame will be.) That success will not be your career peak per se, but it will be strong, and a welcomed thing! This is a good year to identify some immediate goals for perhaps five years down the road. What do you want to achieve? The more you know, the better you can prepare for the success that awaits you in three years. Eh wot?


Relationships Close (and Closer) in 2011

You're not a loner, and this is why relationships are important to you. People matter a great deal to you. That's why it's good news that this is an extremely fortunate year for partnerships and close friendships. Yay! There's an influence present this year that makes you want to help others and vice versa. Relationships with others will help you have a better understanding of yourself and how you relate to others. You'll meet people from other countries and different backgrounds. You will learn a lot. Those of you who marry or make a "commitment" will be involved with someone older, or richer, wiser, or more established. Howevah! (Ahem.) For the first time in your life, unpredictable Uranus demands that you leave relationships that aren't good for you. Shaky partnerships are history. Of course, relationships are never static. They change with time because you're changing. To let go of something that weighs too heavily on you is never loss -- it's freedom.


Money in 2011 (the Folding Kind)

Your earnings might increase or decrease. It's a crapshoot. But one thing is certain: by the summer of 2011, you will benefit from the wealth and resources of others. This could happen in a number of ways. You might inherit, or your partner might earn more money or get a bonus. You might have the use of other people's property or possessions. Later in 2011, it's easy to get a loan or raise money. Because this is a year where others are ready to help you, you can spin this to your advantage! Keep your paperwork in order so that legal affairs run smoothly. Although this is a time of culmination, be careful about expanding too quickly. Saturn is in your sign this year and Saturn makes everyone pay their dues.


The Fast Track for Improvement in 2011

This is a growth oriented time for you. You're beginning to move in a new direction. From now until around 2118, the experiences you undergo will contribute to redefining who you are. That's why you've left friends, relationships and places behind. They don't "fit" with who you're becoming! Others accuse you of avoiding them, or hiding, or being hard to reach, and it's true! But really, you're just moving on. In the next three years, you'll develop new values, and figure out what you really want in life. Your focus will be more inner than outer. That's OK because once you know who you are and what you want, the rest just flows. It's when you don't know who you are or what you want that life becomes messy and confusing. The degree that you get in touch with who you are now will affect how successful you are several years down the road.


Your Libra Mantra for 2011

"Self-discovery is making friends with myself."


Mercury Retrograde in 2011

You can use Mercury retrograde times or be abused by them. What's it gonna be?

(Of course, Mercury never really goes backwards. This is just "relative" to planet Earth.)

The bad news: The dates below are poor times to buy cars, trucks, bikes, computers, printers and phones. Expect delays, lost items and confused communications! Best to finish things, not begin them. Charge your cell phone. Pay your phone bill. Keep gas in the car and a working flashlight. Smile a lot. Buy fresh flowers and dark chocolate.

The good news: The dates below are good times to tackle repairs. Clean out closets, drawers, desks and cupboards. Finish projects. Do research into the past. Study anything. Contact people from your past. Re-apply for a job. Try to get something you wanted before that fell through. Try once again! Organize old photographs. Finish that "To Do" list. These things will go surprisingly smooth!

There are two sets of dates below: The actual time of Mercury retrograde is on the left. But Mercury slows down ahead of time, and then takes a long time to "catch up" to where it was when it first went retrograde. These longer-time periods are on the right. When buying pricey transportation or a computer, I recommend respecting the dates on the right.

Actual Mercury Retrograde Still Dicey for Big Purchases
(I use this one)
March 30 - April 23 March 25 - May 11
August 2 - August 26 July 21 - Sept. 10
November 23 - December 13 November 16 - January 1, 2012


Lucky days for Librain 2011

  • Jan 23, 24, 25
  • Feb 20, 21
  • Mar 19, 20, 21
  • Apr 16.17
  • May 13, 14, 15
  • June 9, 10, 11
  • July 7, 8,
  • Aug 3, 4, 30, 31
  • Sept 1, 27, 28
  • Oct 24, 25, 26
  • Nov 20, 21, 22
  • Dec 18, 19


Famous People Who Share Your Birthday


23 Bruce Springsteen 1949
24 Linda McCartney 1941
25 Michael Douglas 1944
26 Serena Williams 1981
27 Gwyneth Paltrow 1972
28 Dita Von Teese 1972
29 Jerry Lee Lewis 1935
30 Marion Cotillard 1975


1 Julie Andrews 1935
2 Mahatma Gandhi 1869
3 Neve Campbell 1973
4 Anne Rice 1941
5 Mario Lemieux 1965
6 Carol Lombard 1908
7 Desmond Tutu 1931
8 R. L. Stine 1943
9 John Lennon 1940
10 Nora Roberts 1950
11 Stephen Moyer 1969
12 Hugh Jackman 1968
13 Margaret Thatcher 1925
14 Natalie Maines 1974
15 Sarah, Duchess of York 1959
16 John Mayer 1977
17 Eminem 1972
18 Zac Efron 1987
19 Ty Pennington 1965
20 John Krasinski 1979
21 Charlotte Sullivan 1983
22 Sofia Vassilieva 1992