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The 2025 Annual Forecasts are available for pre-order. Annual Forecasts will be sent via e-mail on January 1st.

Moon Alert

Avoid shopping or important decisions from 5 AM to 1 PM EST today (2 AM to 10 AM PST). After that, the Moon moves from Aquarius into Pisces.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is an excellent time to hang out with friends and deal with groups, clubs and conferences because you feel friendly and eager to expand your repertoire of contacts. (You like to have a positive trap line you can count on.) Furthermore, when talking to others, you'll be enthusiastic!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You make a wonderful impression on others at this time because you appear to be successful, affluent and popular. In fact, you are so appealing and popular to others, some of you will strike up a romance with a boss or someone in a position of authority. Tread carefully.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You're gung-ho to do something! Travel would be the perfect choice because you're full of energy, and eager to travel for pleasure and explore the world You will enjoy meeting new people and encountering adventures. Meanwhile, new romance with someone "different" might blossom.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

As this week begins, it's an excellent time for financial discussions, especially about inheritances and how to divide or share the wealth of others. This includes using something that someone else owns. Whatever happens, you will come out laughing all the way to the bank.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This week is a wonderful time to relate to partners and close friends, and today is no exception. Enjoy schmoozing with those who are closest to you. Likewise, you will enjoy interacting with members of the public because you're willing to reach out and connect. That's all it takes.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a productive day for you. In fact, this will be a productive week because you are upbeat, enthusiastic and ready to work. Make note that you will get more done by working with others in groups or specific units. This is not the time to go it alone. Work-related travel is likely.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You have a positive, fun-filled week to look forward to! If you can, slip away on a vacation. If not, make time for fun luncheons, get-togethers at Happy Hour, playful activities with kids, movies, musical performances and the enjoyment of the arts. Romance is promising!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Starting today, you're entering a lovely window where you will enjoy entertaining at home. You might have redecorating plans or ideas about how to expand or renovate where you live. This is also an excellent time to think about real-estate deals.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Get ready for an upbeat, playful week! Today you will enjoy schmoozing with others. Make time for siblings, relatives and neighbours as well as short trips. This busy pace will please you because it's easy for you to appreciate your daily world.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Business and commerce look favourable this week - starting today. Value your moneymaking ideas. Work-related travel might prove to be financially beneficial. Not only are you enjoying earning money - you're spending it on beautiful things as well!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is a positive week for you because the Sun is in your sign along with Venus, Saturn and Pluto. Furthermore, the Sun is dancing beautifully with lucky, moneybags Jupiter, which boosts your desire to be part of something larger than yourself. This is an excellent time to work harmoniously with others.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is a feel-good week; and today is a feel-good day. Many of you are working behind the scenes, plugging away on certain projects that will yield future profits for you; and very likely, increased earnings this year. Lucky you - your finance scene is blessed!

If Your Birthday Is Today

Musician Django Reinhardt (1910-1953) shares your birthday today. You are strong willed and determined, which allows you to overcome enormous obstacles and challenges. You are also talented, innovative and creative. Whatever you do this year will be the result of hard work. Simplicity is the key to your life this year. Physical exercise will be important.