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The 2025 Annual Forecasts are available for pre-order. Annual Forecasts will be sent via e-mail on January 1st.

Moon Alert

Avoid shopping or important decisions after 8 PM EST today (5 PM PST). The Moon is in Pisces.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Something to do with study or finishing a paper or a manuscript might be difficult today. You might question what you're doing. Similarly, travel plans or something to do with publishing, the media, the law or medicine might be foggy or unclear. Be careful.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You might find it difficult to defend your rights in disputes about insurance issues, inheritances or shared property. You know what is yours, or what your fair share should be, but for some reason, you are hesitant.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Relations with others are not as clear as they could be today. (Someone might feel this same way when dealing with you.) This is why a dispute about something is a bit foggy or not clear. If you feel hesitant, then do nothing. Wait until you know what you're doing.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Today you might be unsure about medical issues, especially regarding bones, joints or your teeth. These issues are not as clear as you wish they would be. Likewise, matters related to a pet might also be confusing or not clear. Do not be hasty.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

If you are involved in sports, your energy will be diffused or weaker today. It's as if you don't know what to fight for, or the best way to go about doing it. Likewise, social occasions might be a bit confusing because you are not be sure which direction to take? Ditto for relations with your kids. Oy!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You might be unsure about taking a certain path of action at home or when dealing with a family member today. You thought you knew what you wanted and the direction you wanted to go - but today you're not so sure. Or perhaps you face obstacles? If you're confused, do nothing.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Previously, you thought you knew what you wanted to do, especially about what you wanted to write or how you wanted to express yourself to others. But lately, and especially today, now you're not so sure. This happens. Just wait this one out.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Financial issues, especially spending money on vacations or social outings or perhaps your kids - might be confusing to you today. You might be having second thoughts. If this is the case, wait until you feel confident about how you want to spend your hard-earned cash.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Today you might feel like you are wading through quicksand. No matter what you do, it's as if you can't get 100% of your energy behind your efforts. This could be because you have personal doubts about something or because your physical energy is flagging. Or both.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Someone might be working against your own best interests. You might be aware of this - you might not. However, if you get the feeling that this is the case - you're right. In other words, if you think something fishy is going on - it is!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You might find it hard to endorse a team, a group or even the efforts of a friend today because suddenly, you seem to have second thoughts about things. You're not sure. Well, if you're not sure, then do nothing. You're not hedging your bets - you're being wise.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Previously, your ambition to do something was strong and focused. However, lately, now you're not so sure. This could be because you're seeing things in a new light? If you're not sure what to do - do nothing.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Alan Alda (1936) shares your birthday today. You are easy-going, happy go lucky and charming! However, you are also strong willed and always realistic. Service to others is your theme this year, especially with family. This means you must take care of yourself so that you are a strong resource for yourself and others. Invest in the relationships that you value. Tap into your personal creativity and hobbies.