The 2025 Annual Forecasts are available for pre-order. Annual Forecasts will be sent via e-mail on January 1st.
We have the "all clear" today to shop (whether you spend $10 or 10 million) and make important decisions. The Moon is in Aries.
Be extra careful with everything you do. Allow extra time for whatever you're doing today because this is an accident-prone day. It's not as if the hand of fate is reaching in to grab you by the throat. It's not like that. It's your own haste or a distraction that could create problems.
Stay in touch with your cash flow today. All kinds of unexpected events could occur. The obvious, of course, is that you might find or lose money or break something you own. You might also dream up money-making ideas. (Keep your receipts.)
In some way, this will likely be a disruptive day. You might upset others or they might upset you. Relationships could be difficult. It's even an accident-prone day but largely because of your own impulsiveness. You feel impatient and restless. You need to take a few deep breaths.
You might feel restless or agitated today and not know why. I think knowing why doesn't really matter. What does matter is that this feeling is very brief will be gone by tomorrow. Therefore, slow down and go with the flow. Take a little time out to pamper yourself.
Relations with others are unpredictable today. Groups, clubs, organizations, conferences and conventions might suddenly erupt and sail off in a new direction that catches you off guard. You might encounter somebody who says or does something that surprises you. Just be cool.
You feel independent and rebellious today. If others are too bossy with you, you'll be tempted to walk. Don't quit your day job. It's easy to feel huffy today but by tomorrow things will look different. Don't blow a partnership or a friendship out of the water today. Remain calm.
Travel plans will be cancelled or delayed today. (And this might be a good thing.) Anything to do with travel, higher education, schooling, taking courses or publishing and the media will be disrupted or changed. The same goes for medicine and the law. This is a very unpredictable day.
Something is going to surprise you today that deals with shared property or something to do with taxes, debt and the wealth of others. It could be pleasant news or not so pleasant. But it will definitely be a curveball you didn't see coming.
Partnerships are unpredictable today. You might do or say something rash or somebody else could. Essentially, this is the kind of day where people give into sudden impulses that might not even make sense. ("The devil made me do it.") You could be testing new territory with others.
Something unpredictable will occur at work today. This will not be a routine day. Almost certainly, there will be technological glitches or computer crashes or cancelled events, no-shows, staff shortages, or power outages. Get your coffee while you can.
Parents and teachers should be extra vigilant today. This is an accident-prone day for children in your care. Romance is also contentious and could suddenly blow sky high. Social events could be cancelled, especially if they're in the arts, show business or the hospitality industry.
Your home scene is not going to be predictable today. Discussions with parents or family members could be explosive. Minor breakages could occur. Unexpected people might suddenly be at the door. Just be patient with everyone and everything around you. Even a hurricane only lasts for a day.
Actress Jennifer Irwin (1975) shares your birthday today. It's natural for you to approach life with a lot of physical energy. You like to be active and, because of your enthusiasm for everything around you, others are quick to join you in your ventures. You're verbally skilful and highly persuasive! You're also curious about everything. This is an exciting year because you are going to learn or study something that is important.