Hi Georgia,

How far in advance do you prepare your column? And what do you do to bolster up for Mercury retrogrades???


Good question, Barbara.

Knowing that the next mercury retrograde will be in the sign that my own Mercury is in (i.e. I expect it to impact my lifestyle more than other Mercury retrogrades) -- I just bought jumper cables to have them in the trunk of my 'new' car. (I expect the worst!) But at least I will be as prepared as I can be.

I will also make sure that my back up laptop computer gets fixed (and thanks for reminding me.)

I also initiate any ventures I am trying to get off the ground ahead of time - or wait until after the Mercury retrograde period is over...

I will also target a project I have been procrastinating about for that time. It is easier to finish up old business during Mercury retrograde. (If I manage to do this, my web site will offer you the chance to read the transcripts of some talks that the Dalai Lama gave in Vancouver 1981 that have never been printed before.)
