"Always remember your kid's name.. and don't let them drive until their feet can reach the pedals."

Amy Poehler (Sept. 16, 1971)

The Year 2016

For thousands of years, we have observed cycles: Seasons, lunar revolutions, birth and death. This year we are in a cycle where the planet Saturn is in the zodiac sign Sagittarius from 2015 to 2017. This cycle of Saturn in Sagittarius previously occurred in 1927-29; and 1956-58; and lastly in 1986-88.

The planet Saturn represents discipline, structure, form and the law courts. It tangibly defines our world through dimensions and regulations. It shrinks and solidifies.

The zodiac sign Sagittarius expands and spreads out! It has domain over foreign countries; publishing, TV, radio, and social media; universities, colleges and libraries; medical schools; law-making, jurisprudence and finally, philosophy and religion.

This year with the planet Saturn in the sign of Sagittarius, we will see new, practical applications of our beliefs and ideas, especially related to social media, universities, churches and laws governing medical care plus how we deal with foreigners and immigration.

In previous years, when Saturn was in Sagittarius, radio became regulated for the first time through the FCC, which itself, was also just formed as a governing body; the first television license was issued; sound came to film with The Jazz Singer; the Academy Awards began in 1927; regular TV programming began; and Nintendo introduced the Zelda series. Likewise, this year and next, we will see new regulations to broadband technology and the Internet, as well as television and social media.

Because Sagittarius is the sign of "foreign countries", every 30 years when Saturn is in this sign, we experience breakthrough connections between countries. In 1927, we had the first transatlantic telephone call. In that same year, Charles Lindbergh stunned the world by flying nonstop from New York to Paris. In 1928, the first TV station was started; and soon the first television show was beamed from London to New York.

In 2016, scientific inventions, especially in aviation, will shrink the world. Mergers and legislation about broadband media will take place. Meanwhile, every county suffers from xenophobia because everyone is afraid of what is foreign or strange. (Guard against the common mistake of confusing xenophobia with xenofocaccia, which is a bread some people can't chew.)

This year the biggest change will be to our way of viewing foreigners -- no matter what country we live in. The timing is right for everyone to see that we are all more alike than not. We all want to be happy.

Does Your Past Predict Your Future?

This forecast begins with highlights of your past because if what I say about your past rings true, then you can trust what I say about your future.

In the early 90s, you were popular, and you were busting your buns. Remember that? Specifically, around 1991, something prompted you to look inward and perhaps explore meditation, yoga or anything that supported your desire to be more self introspective. This was actually a subtle preparation for 1992 and 93, when lucky Jupiter returned to your sign for the first time since 1979-80. This was restorative! It gave you advantages, blessings and a chance to have good times while you were still busy working hard.

By 1993, many of you started to explore opportunities to earn more money, which is always sweet. And by 1994, you rounded the corner of Cape of Good Hope. This was a significant year. Basically, for the previous 14 years, you had reinvented yourself and worked hard to prove to the world what you could do, and finally by the mid-90s, you were there, standing centre stage, saying to the world, "I'm here. Not only am I here; I intend to go places!" This was an empowering time for you, but because it was so empowering, it might have created stress on partnerships and close friendships. In the next few years, those relationships that could not handle the "new you" would end. (Yes, some relationships are more trouble than they are worth.)

By 1995, you either moved to bigger digs or bought a home or an apartment because you did something that made you appreciate where you lived. You might have redecorated or renovated. At the very least, you acquired something for your home so that you felt richer and happier about your cozy nest. The following year 1996, was excellent for vacations. It was also a great year to relate to children. Nevertheless, that was still a time that was stressful on partnerships, which might have ended then if they did not end two years earlier.

Fortunately, by 1997 you had a chance to improve your job or get a better job, and by 1998, relations and partnerships looked sweet! In fact, this was an excellent year to marry. Because you received money, gifts and assistance from others in 1999, many of you went back to school at the turn of the millennium, or took extra training in some field. Others travelled then, which was a good idea because by 2001-02 - you were stylin'!

The new millennium was empowering for you because people respected you more, and you respected yourself more as well. It's so easy for you to be self-critical, isn't it? Basically, this is because you set such high standards for yourself - like perfection. Duh? (I only met two people who were perfect and they were insufferable.)

This time of success naturally promoted your popularity in 2002, and by 2004, life was good. At this time, many of you entered a fresh, new 12-year cycle of growth and learning. By 2005, your earnings were looking up because of increased opportunities or perhaps even a new job. However, by 2006, you entered a three-year window where you begin to dismantle much of what you had created since the mid-90s. This meant you were going through closets, garages, lockers and cupboards to divest yourself of what was no longer relevant in your life. Some of you even gave up friendships, relationships, jobs, homes and countries. This is because you were gearing up for a time around 2008 when you would enter a new path. This path was so new and fresh, many of you actually changed your daily wardrobe. ("How does one dress for a crisis? I bet patterns are out.")

This means that around 2008-2009, you began a new 30-year cycle. We do this only two, maybe three times in our life. Looking back, you can see that since that time, you have actually reinvented yourself. You improved your job, and in 2010, many of you entered new partnerships. In 2011, inheritances, gifts and favours from others helped you, which is why you might have travelled or explored further education in 2012, by 2013, it was easy for you to make a great impression on others. In the last two to three years, life has been a revolving door of changing jobs and residences. But you made it the 2015, when lucky Jupiter was back in your sign once again giving you increased confidence, self poise and hope for your future.

And Here It Is ... 2016!

Wealth, Career and Reputation

In many ways, your life has never looked better because lucky Jupiter is now in your sign, where it will stay for most of this year. It's important to know what a blessing it is when Jupiter is in your sign. But before you even know the details of this blessing, let's take a look at how often you can expect it to happen in your adult life. Let's assume that you had Jupiter in your sign when you were 18 or 19 years old. This means the next time you have Jupiter in your sign will be in your early 30s, which is really the first time to experience this blessing as an adult. The next time would be in your mid-40s; and then again when you are about 60. Sheesh! Time flies when you're unconscious.

Jupiter moves through all 12 signs every 12 years. In the example above, you would only have three times from the age of 20 until you are a senior citizen. Therefore, do not take this lightly. You are extremely fortunate right now to be undergoing this journey of Jupiter in Virgo. Use it!

So what does it mean? It means you have a lucky edge in life! It means you are rowing with the wind at your back. It means you are beginning a 12-year cycle of major growth and learning during which you will discover who you really are as an individual. Jupiter is a planet associated with wisdom, which means this cycle will help you to overcome prejudices and narrow viewpoints that have limited your success in life. Furthermore, because Jupiter magnifies situations in a beneficial way (it is called the Great Benefic in astrology) its benefits will draw important people and resources to you.

Therefore, know this. This year will be fortunate for you. Not only will your self-confidence and poise increase, opportunities will open up for you to expand your world, especially through travel or meeting people from other cultures and different countries. Jupiter is also called Jove, hence, the term jovial. Jupiter brings joy into your life, and when you are joyful, confident and self poised, naturally, your job and your career will prosper. Connect the dots.

As part of this newfound confidence, you will find your communications with others will be more direct, proactive and assertive. You will speak up. You will go after what you want, especially verbally and in your day-to-day interactions with others. This confidence will also make you fight for what you want and defend your rights if challenged by anyone.

Your health will be strong now, which means you will work hard and accomplish a lot. You will feel vigourous! You will also quickly see how to take advantage of every chance that comes your way, especially by projecting your ideas with power and energy. If you need to debate or argue with others - you're in an excellent position. Obviously, all these qualities favour business and commercial negotiations, especially if you have to bargain with someone or demand more favourable terms. So you can see that this year you are coming from a point of enormous strength when it comes to functioning in your career.

In the autumn, opportunities to expand your earnings, and get a better job or increase your wealth and assets in some way, will begin to manifest. This blessing of increasing your wealth will continue well into 2017.

And in the big picture, since you gave up a lot around 2005 to 2008, and then reinvented yourself since that time until last year - this was all a time of preparation. You are still, to some degree, in this time of preparation because you will not really take your power until 2023. But this year is a turning point. It means from here on, you are slowly rising to your career peak in the future. Furthermore, when you have an advantage that will not return again until 2027 (oh yes), obviously, you must use it! If you don't, it would be like having a bag of gold buried in your backyard. If you don't use this gold - it's just a lump of metal. Now is the time to walk up to the door of opportunity and open it!

Read on for some highlights month by month for 2016.

This year begins in a playful way because January is a playful month for you. In fact, it's an ideal time to take a vacation. Romance will flourish as well.

By February, you're back to work giving it all you've got. Not only are you working hard, your health field invigorated. Well, if you can take a vacation, that will do the trick, won't it?

March is a month to focus on partnerships and close friendships. You might get a raise or praise at work. Certainly, coworkers are supportive.

In April, red-tape details concerning inheritances, shared property, insurance issues and such will come up. Fortunately, once again people are cooperative. (Ya think? With Jupiter in your sign?)

May is a time when you are keen to expand your horizons to travel, seek adventure or a chance to learn something new. This is a great month to take a course or further training. Issues related to the law will favour you now.

In June, you're looking swell! People in authority admire you, and you don't have to do anything special to impress them. In fact, with Jupiter still in your sign, you really impress others!

July is a popular month for you. But more than that, it's a time where you benefit from your interaction with others; therefore, join clubs, groups and associations. Be friendly. Don't hold back.

In August, you might pull in your reins a little and focus on something personal. You might choose to work behind the scenes or work alone.

September is a powerful time for you because the Sun is in your sign. Now you easily attract people and favourable situations to you. This is a very strong month for you to make the deal, make your pitch, go after what you want. Yeah!

In October, many of you will start to see ways to increase your earnings or get a better job. Those of you who are born early in your sign (late August) will start to smell money.

November and December are both times when your financial opportunities continue to grow. However, November is busy with short trips, errands, increased writing, reading and studying and conversations with everyone, (yada, yada, yada). Whereas December pulls your attention to real-estate matters, as well as your personal life.

Love, Partnerships and Friends

Jupiter is in your sign, which is a rare and beneficial influence. In other words, nothing to take for granted! When Jupiter is in your sign, it's easier to be happy and it's easier to be optimistic! Therefore, it stands to reason that if you are happy and optimistic, not only are you more attractive to others, you can more easily maintain a happy relationship. This applies whether you are in a relationship or you want to attract one to you. So in this respect, this single influence can boost your friendships, married relationships, partnerships and romance in a big way!

Another curious thing about Jupiter in your sign is that it makes you look more affluent. You look richer, even if this is not the case. You look like life is easy, even if this is not the case. In addition, Mars is in the part of your chart that affects how you communicate to others, makes you forthright, direct and proactive. You look like you know what you're talking about. This adds up to sexy confidence! The fact that you appear to be happy, richer, and confident will add up to making you an appealing individual to others. This is a fact.

Of course, nothing is perfect, and here is your challenge: Neptune began to oppose your sign in 2012, and will continue to oppose you until 2026. (You can run but you can't hide.) Neptune is the planet of illusion and perfection. It symbolizes your hopes and dreams. It can also be like Vaseline on your lens and make you see someone in a different light. You might idealize someone or put them on a pedestal even if they don't deserve this at all. Therefore, it can create confusion and doubt along with self-denial. Neptune can also encourage a negative codependency. While Neptune is opposing your sign, it is sitting in your House of Partnerships and Marriage. Hmmmm. I'm sure you see where this is going. It can even affect your professional relationships or consultations with lawyers, doctors and counsellors. Basically, its primary challenge is the danger of over idealizing your relationship out of proportion to reality. You might kid yourself into thinking everything is fine when it isn't. It also tempts you to believe whatever it is you want to believe about the relationship. The only thing you can do about this is to be aware of it. Generally, if you're kidding yourself about something, your friends will speak up. Naturally, you can't give credence to one person's point of view; however, if everyone you know tells you you're being a chump or a fool to be with someone - it might be a good idea to listen. It's important to remember that Virgo is the sign of service in the zodiac. "It's a joy to labour for those you love." Naturally, service and labour for others is a wonderful thing. But there is nothing noble about being a doormat, even if it has a Welcome sign on it.

Home and Family

The most significant thing about this New Year for you is how it will impact your home, family and personal life. Just a quick recap: At the beginning of the millennium, you were on top of your scene. Between 2005-2008, you gave up many things to approach a new lifestyle and way of living. Since 2008, you have virtually reinvented yourself. This is great. But now, the most important thing on your plate is that you need to establish a firm base in the world for yourself and your family. You need a solid anchor. In other words, you need to know where you live and you need your home is - a true refuge. Only then, once you have established this - can you go forward and slay dragons. So first you have to build your castle.

Ironically, many of you moved or changed residences between 2012-2015. Nevertheless, if where you moved isn't really cutting it for you, you will move again this year. (Possibly next year.) That's because at this point in your life, you are consciously striving to find the right home for yourself. If you don't move again, perhaps because you like where you live, then you will do everything in your power to make sure that where you live is solid and dependable. You will do major repairs to the basement, the roof - things like that.

In the same way that you want to solidify your home base with respect to your external home - likewise, you want to do this with your family and your relations with family members. In particular, your relationship with a parent will be significant at this time. You want to smooth troubled waters and make things secure for loved ones. For this reason, this is the classic time to take care of a parent or a family member. And if you do not take on a parental responsibility for someone else, possibly someone will take on this role for you.

Furthermore, things that used to be important in your life, things that might have faded in their appeal, will now come back into prominence, especially if they were not resolved in the past. That's why this is a good time also to seek out counselling or psychotherapy because you are willing to establish a firm foundation for yourself - in your inner world, within your family, and within the bricks and mortar around you (which hopefully includes a king-size bed, heated tile floors in the bathrooms and a front-loader washing machine).

Check out the highlights of your home and personal world on a monthly basis below:

January is the perfect time to take the family on a vacation or to slip away by yourself, if you choose. You will want to redecorate your digs and buy beautiful things for your home.

February is the time to get better organized because this will please you more than usual. "I want a home for everything.... no floaters!"

March is an excellent time to get a more realistic take on your marriage or partnership. Your ability to study your style of relating to others will be better - which you need while Neptune is making everything so fuzzy!

April is a good time to sit down with others and discuss the details about shared property and inheritances. This is also a good time to confront any difference of values with someone else and see if you can come to a workable compromise.

May is a great time to travel or do anything where you will learn more. You might decide to start a book club or a group that meets in your home to exchange information.

The month of June is a time when you might focus on parents more than usual or any other authority figure in the family. No worries - this will be a positive thing.

In July, you will entertain more because friendships are more important. You might also have groups meet at your house, or possibley reunions.

The month of August is a good time to regroup and catch your breath before you dive into September with gusto, goals and determination.

September, of course is your month when you are energized because that Sun is in your sign. Now you want to talk to others and really pull your home scene together.

In October, you might make major purchases for your home or a family member this month because the money is flying! Money i n--money out!

The month of November is a busy time with errands, short trips and increased interaction with siblings and relatives. You might also redecorate and make your digs look prettier.

December is a down-home time for you when your focus on home and family is the strongest.

A Sneak Peek Beyond

The good news about 2017 and 2018 is that your earnings will increase. Glory hallelujah! You might also benefit indirectly from the resources of others. And yes, your efforts to solidify your home base will continue at this time. In the year 2019, you have the best opportunities to benefit from real-estate investments that you will have for another 12 years. In other words, it's an excellent time to move and improve your own home by buying and selling, or buying for the first time. If you don't move and you own your own home, this an excellent time to invest in your own home through renovations and such. And if you rent, you might move to bigger and better digs. And if you don't make any of these changes - then at the least, you will buy things for your home because for sure, in the year 2019 you feel richer and happier where you live.

The year 2020 is a fun-loving, playful, flirtatious year - great for vacations! Good news - you can probably improve your job in 2021 and your relationships in 2022, which might be why you receive money and benefits through someone else in 2023. In 2024, you're travelling and by 2025 you will boost your reputation in the eyes of others, especially bosses and VIPs, in a lovely way.

Your Virgo Mantra for 2016

"I will use my good fortune to secure my home base."

Mercury Retrograde in 2016

Expect delays, lost items and confused communications! Best to finish things, not begin them. These are poor times to buy cars, trucks, bikes, computers, printers and phones.

Dates below are actual retrograde dates and buffer dates. Why? Mercury slows down before it goes retrograde and then it needs to catch up to where it was at when it first went retrograde. Use buffer times to avoid big purchases like cars.

Actual Mercury Retrograde Dates Buffered Dates
(I use this one)
January 5 - January 25 January 1 - February 14
April 28 - May 22 April 19 - June 8
August 30 - September 22 August 18 - October 6
December 19 - January 8 December 11 - January 28

Lucky Days for 2016

  • January 26, 27
  • February 22, 23, 24
  • March 20, 21, 22
  • April 17, 18
  • May 14, 15
  • June 10, 11, 12
  • July 8, 9
  • August 4, 5, 31
  • September 1, 2, 28, 29
  • October 25, 26
  • November 21, 22, 23
  • December 18, 19, 20

Who Shares My Birthday?


Rick Springfield 1949
Orla Fallon 1974
Tim Burton 1958
Dylan O'Brien 1991
Suranne Jones 1978
Sheryl Sandberg 1969
Todd English 1960
Cameron Diaz 1972
Van Morrison 1945


Lily Tomlin 1939
Scott Moir 1987
Garrett Hedlund 1984
Max Greenfield 1980
Freddie Mercury 1946
Idris Elba 1972
Chrissie Hynde 1951
Peter Sellers 1925
Michelle Williams 1980
Colin Firth 1960
Taraji P. Henson 1970
Peter Scolari 1955
Tyler Perry 1969
Melissa Leo 1960
Josh Charles 1971
Lauren Bacall 1924
Ella Purnell 1996
Jada Pinkett-Smith 1971
Danielle Panabaker 1987
George R. R. Martin 1948
Ethan Coen 1957
Katie Lowes 1981