"I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink...and...I believe in miracles."

Audrey Hepburn May 4, 1929 - Jan. 20, 1993

The Year 2016

For thousands of years, we have observed cycles: Seasons, lunar revolutions, birth and death. This year we are in a cycle where the planet Saturn is in the zodiac sign Sagittarius from 2015 to 2017. This cycle of Saturn in Sagittarius previously occurred in 1927-29; and 1956-58; and lastly in 1986-88.

The planet Saturn represents discipline, structure, form and the law courts. It tangibly defines our world through dimensions and regulations. It shrinks and solidifies.

The zodiac sign Sagittarius expands and spreads out! It has domain over foreign countries; publishing, TV, radio, and social media; universities, colleges and libraries; medical schools; law-making, jurisprudence and finally, philosophy and religion.

This year with the planet Saturn in the sign of Sagittarius, we will see new, practical applications of our beliefs and ideas, especially related to social media, universities, churches and laws governing medical care plus how we deal with foreigners and immigration.

In previous years, when Saturn was in Sagittarius, radio became regulated for the first time through the FCC, which itself, was also just formed as a governing body; the first television license was issued; sound came to film with The Jazz Singer; the Academy Awards began in 1927; regular TV programming began; and Nintendo introduced the Zelda series. Likewise, this year and next, we will see new regulations to broadband technology and the Internet, as well as television and social media.

Because Sagittarius is the sign of "foreign countries", every 30 years when Saturn is in this sign, we experience breakthrough connections between countries. In 1927, we had the first transatlantic telephone call. In that same year, Charles Lindbergh stunned the world by flying nonstop from New York to Paris. In 1928, the first TV station was started; and soon the first television show was beamed from London to New York.

In 2016, scientific inventions, especially in aviation, will shrink the world. Mergers and legislation about broadband media will take place. Meanwhile, every county suffers from xenophobia because everyone is afraid of what is foreign or strange. (Guard against the common mistake of confusing xenophobia with xenofocaccia, which is a bread some people can't chew.)

This year the biggest change will be to our way of viewing foreigners -- no matter what country we live in. The timing is right for everyone to see that we are all more alike than not. We all want to be happy.

Does Your Past Predict Your Future?

This forecast begins with highlights of your past because if what I say about your past rings true, then you can trust what I say about your future.

If we look back to around 1991-92, we see that this was a time when real-estate negotiations, as well as your home and your family life flourished. If you were old enough and you could afford to do so, you benefited by buying, selling or investing in real estate. Many of you moved to bigger digs or felt richer in some way where you lived. Family life was happier. In fact, many of you expanded your family at that time through birth, adoption or marriage. The increased richness and wealth that you felt at home were in no small part due to the fact that this was also a time of harvest for you. Your career and your public reputation were shining. Perhaps you graduated or got your first job or received a promotion? Whatever the case, something made you feel proud of your achievements!

In 1993, parties, romance and vacations were blessed plus you still felt confident about your career. Partnerships were good in 1994, and 1995 was the year when you benefited from the wealth and resources created since 1984. This is why the next three years were a time of giving up what you no longer needed. That is the key - "no longer needed." In other words, it was not loss per se. It was what you had to give up in order to enter a new world around 1999, because that's when major changes took place in your life. Oh yeah! Fortunately, at that time, lucky Jupiter entered your sign paving the way for new things to come. By 2001, increased earnings were a blessing. In 2003, real-estate opportunities, or a chance to move into bigger digs, pleased you. However, 2004-2006 was a time of job changes and residential moves that created turmoil in your life. You do not like turmoil, especially at home. The year 2008 was great for travel, publishing or going back to school; and by 2009, you put your name up in lights! Now people could see your achievements! This is why you busted your buns in the next three years to get the recognition you deserved in 2013.

However, since then, partnerships have been challenging. Fortunately, your sense of optimism carried you through. Last year was a good year to explore real-estate opportunities. It was also a good year to move, especially to bigger or more comfortable digs. Family relationships likewise were enriched in a friendly, warm, supportive way. This was reassuring.

And Here It Is ... 2016!

Wealth, Career and Reputation

There are some challenges to your career and your work this year, mainly because it will be difficult to get the support of others. This year you will find an increasing emphasis on finances, shared property, taxes, debt, inheritances and anything that you own jointly with others. These issues will start to become more serious. They cannot be ignored or swept under the rug any longer. (You can run but you can't hide.) One thing that you will notice is that the resources of others will be cut off from you. A professional partnership might end. You might find it hard to get a business loan. You might find it equally difficult to get funding or raise money. This doesn't mean you cannot earn good money because you can. It simply means that you must rely less on the resources of others and more on your own resources. In other words, you have to stand on your own two feet.

You might also have intense encounters with others because basically, you have a different set of values from theirs. No matter how long or how much you talk to them, they will never agree with you and vice versa. This ain't easy! Ideally, when you encounter someone and you realize that you simply do not agree - you have to agree to disagree. But this will be difficult for you this year because feisty Mars will oppose your sign for the first eight months of the year, which means you will be easily annoyed with others! People will irk you and get under your skin. Keep this in mind if you have difficulties with professional colleagues and fellow workers. Do not be quick to assume that something is "all their fault" because in truth, you will have a short fuse. Naturally, you won't express this because you rarely express your anger in an intense way. The reason you don't do this is you know that if you really get angry - it's Armageddon!

The good news is that despite all this gloom and doom about the lack of financial and practical support from others - you are actually moving slowly to a career peak in your life! Yay! Ever since 2012, you have been out of the gates and moving upward to a career peak that will occur for you in about five years. So whatever hiccups you encounter right now are simply temporary. Do not be discouraged.

Despite difficulties in getting loans and raising money, this is a good year to explore opportunities in show business, the entertainment world, and anything to do with the hospitality industry. Doors will open easily for you in these areas this year.

Read on to learn about the highlights of 2016 with respect to your job and career on a month by month basis:

January is a month where you really want to push out and expand your world. Ideally, you will do this through travel. You can also be successful dealing with foreign countries. Issues related to publishing, the media, medicine, the law and anything to do with higher education look good. You want to work hard and play hard this month!

February is a strong time for you because the Sun is at the top of your chart casting a flattering light on you, which means other people admire you! This is why you might be approached to take on increased responsibilities or duties. Say yes because you can dazzle everyone. Work-related travel is likely (although more likely for pleasure).

March is a popular time, despite the fact that you are impatient with partners and close friends. Relations with authority figures are particularly smooth. You might put out energy to make your workspace more attractive.

In April, you will choose to be low-key. You will feel more comfortable working behind the scenes or even working alone. This is a good time to start to strategize what you want your New Year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. Start defining goals with specific time frames.

May is a strong month for you with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in your sign. This is a good time to shop for wardrobe items because you like what you see in the mirror. You will be eloquent and articulate speaking to others this month.

In June, you are focused more than usual on money, cash flow, finances and purchasing. You might start to reevaluate some things especially the areas where you disagree with key partners.

July is a busy month. Your daily pace will accelerate; and your schedule will be jam-packed with short trips, errands and lots of conversations with others. This is a strong time for those of you who sell, write, market, teach or act.

In August, real-estate matters will capture your interest. In fact, you might profit or benefit through real-estate deals. Family businesses will flourish at this time.

September is actually a great month to take a vacation. Nevertheless, it's a strong time to make money in the arts, professional sports, the hospitality industry and the entertainment world.

October is a month when you decide to really pull your act together and get organized. You're on a roll with a self-improvement kick. You might even take a course to learn how to be more efficient. You want to be the best that you can be. This includes trying to be as healthy as you can be as well. (Wow.)

In November, you will need more sleep. Respect this need for more rest and make fewer demands on yourself and on your time. Heavy-duty discussions with partners are likely. Take note: Despite difficulties to raise money and get loans or resources from others, this month you might succeed! Strike while the iron is hot! Another thing to take note of in November is that opportunities to improve your job will start to present themselves. This wonderful influence will continue for a year! Yeehaw!

December continues to have a strong emphasis on other people's resources, banking, taxes, debt and shared property. Your ambition is very strong this month, which is why you will go after what you want. By now, you love seeing ways to improve your job and it feels good! And you are happy!

Love, Partnerships and Friends

Oh wow, without question, this is one of the best years for Taurus for fantastic love affairs and romance. Yummers! Many of you will strike up a new romance and enjoy flirtations with others. Those of you in existing, long-term partnerships will take a lighter approach to things. You will be more playful and want to date, and go on fun vacations and spontaneous getaways. Many of your relationships, especially romantic ones, will feel revitalized and more joyful - certainly, more friendly on a daily basis.

If you can plan a major vacation with a friend, lover or partner - this is the year to do so because it's the best year for a vacation - or several vacations - that you have had in over a decade. Your sign loves cruises because you like the good life and you enjoy fine dining in pleasurable circumstances. Taurus people actually go on vacations more than most signs, because you like to kick up your heels and party and have fun - but you know that if you do it on a vacation - everything at home is exactly as you left it. And that's how you like it.

Even though you have opportunities to play and have fun - financially, you will have to rely more on yourself to do this. The ability to use vacation homes of other people or to be treated to a vacation by someone else is reduced this year. That means all this fun stuff is up to you!

There is one other factor to consider with romantic partners and friends this year and it is the fact that fiery Mars will oppose your sign for the first seven months of the year, which means you will be easily annoyed with others. This is unusual because Mars is normally opposite your sign for about seven weeks every two years. But this year it will be opposite your sign for seven to eight months! This means you have to be patient with others. It also means you have to own the fact that your reaction is part of the problem. It doesn't mean that others aren't annoying; but it does mean that your ability to deal with these everyday annoyances is strained and challenged. Forewarned is forearmed.

A quick look at the year ahead month by month will show:

January is a wonderful time to travel and meet people from other countries and different backgrounds. You love to study and learn new things. Relations with others will be hot and cold because Mars will make you testy but fair Venus will sweeten all your relationships.

In February, once again, travel for pleasure appeals. And of course, the theme for this year is vacations, vacations, vacations, so who is surprised? People are impressed with you this month, with the Sun high in your chart. If you want to dazzle anyone - you can!

March is a wonderfully popular month! Join clubs, groups and associations. Enjoy schmoozing with others. In fact, romance with a boss might begin now because others see you in such a positive light.

April is a time where you might meet artistic, talented people and be in their company more. A vacation still appeals; however, you have a greater desire now to keep things low-key because you want to hide somewhat. Although your sex drive is strong!

May is a strong month with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in your sign. You will easily attract others to you as well as favourable circumstances. You're very keen to talk to others as well. Venus of course, makes you even more charming and diplomatic than usual. This is a great time to shop for wardrobe goodies because you like what you see in the mirror. And yes, opportunities for vacations, love and romance continue!

In June, your focus is on money, cash flow and finances. Quite likely, you will be shopping for beautiful things for yourself and loved ones.

Remember to be patient with partners and close friends.

July is a busy month. You will feel swept off your feet! Enjoy short trips with others and schmoozing on a daily basis. Both younger people and artistic people will be in your life more. Enjoy flirtations, and yet, be patient with partners and close friends.

August is more of a down-home month for you. You might want to entertain at home because you will be doing home repairs and redecorating projects, and you can show off what you have done. You might be involved with a parent more than usual. And yes, opportunities for fun, parties and vacations still abound! And yes, you still need to be patient with partners and close friends.

September is a welcome time for you because finally, fiery Mars moves away from its oppositional stance to you, which means difficulties with others will now start to fade. Whew! Others will not be so annoying. In fact, they seem to be easy-going and cooperative! Go figure. This is also one of the most playful months of the year for you. Enjoy vacations, parties, the arts, movies, the theatre, sports events and playful times with children. It's fun city! On top of this, your sex drive is amped! (You juicy peach.)

In October, because you're keen to get better organized, your focus is more on work and health. However, fair Venus opposite your sign will pave the way for beautiful dealings with members of the public, as well as warmer relationships with those who are close to you.

In November, with the Sun and Mercury directly opposite your sign, your closest friendships and partnerships will be tops on your menu. Meaningful discussions might take place about the relationships themselves. This is also a chance for you to observe your style of relating to others and learn more about yourself.

December offers more opportunities to travel for pleasure. (Again?) With Mars high in your chart, your ambition is aroused, which means you will go after what you want. Your sex drive is still high, and you feel passionately intense about all your relationships at this time. Mama Mia!

Home and Family

Two broad influences will impact your home and family in 2016. In a way, you might say there is good news and bad news. Let's take the bad news first. After all, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. The challenge to your home and family situation this year is that the wealth and resources of others are basically cut off to you. This means is a bad year for you to negotiate your best interests in an inheritance. This is a tough year for you to renegotiate a mortgage or get a mortgage or a loan for your home. In fact, you can expect to have serious discussions within the family about financial matters and how to deal with jointly-held property, debt and who owns what. In addition, with Mars opposite your sign for the first eight months, you might disagree with your kids or your parents because basically, you have a different value system or you view something differently. This will further disputes about shared property and inheritances. The thing to remember is that by September these hard feelings will lighten up immensely! Keep the faith and be patient.

The good news is that this is the year for a family vacation! Not only will your family enjoy vacations, parties, social outings, sports events and the arts - the overall tone of things at home will be happier, lighter and more playful. Quite possibly, your family will expand through marriage, birth or adoption. Your relationship to family members will improve because basically, this year you have the courage to be yourself and express yourself more freely. This automatically improves your relationship with others, especially children. You will be able to help them and give them what they need without feeling any sense of loss or inconvenience. You won't feel is necessary to hide from the world in any way because you are more confident and self-assured. And the crops will be plentiful and the land will flow with milk and honey and brothers and sisters will rejoice and a greater bandwidth will bless your home.

A Sneak Peek Beyond

Your ability to improve your job is fantastic in 2017! Look forward to this because you will amaze yourself. In 2018, partnerships will be blessed and you will start to hone and prepare for a career peak in 2021. But the good news in 2019, is that it will be easy for you to get a loan. It will be easy for you to get a mortgage. It will be easy for you to benefit from the wealth and resources of others because somehow the doors and pockets will open again. Oh yes! Money must be coming your way because you are off travelling in 2020! (Life is so good!) April born Taurus people will feel quite defiant at this time. You will insist on carving your own path in society because you no longer feel you have to keep to the straight and narrow that was dictated to you all of your life. May Taurus people will feel this a bit later. Ta da! The year 2021 is when you will feel truly proud of your accomplishments. This is also a time when you will put your name up in lights. This is actually a life-changing time for most of you because you have the endorsement of others, the praise of others, and you personally are inspired to take a new direction in your life so that you can be all possible things - anything you had dared to dream!

Your Taurus Mantra for 2016

"I have the courage to be myself and enjoy life to the limit!"

Mercury Retrograde in 2016

Expect delays, lost items and confused communications! Best to finish things, not begin them. These are poor times to buy cars, trucks, bikes, computers, printers and phones.

Dates below are actual retrograde dates and buffer dates. Why? Mercury slows down before it goes retrograde and then it needs to catch up to where it was at when it first went retrograde. Use buffer times to avoid big purchases like cars.

Actual Mercury Retrograde Dates Buffered Dates
(I use this one)
January 5 - January 25 January 1 - February 14
April 28 - May 22 April 19 - June 8
August 30 - September 22 August 18 - October 6
December 19 - January 8 December 11 - January 28

Lucky Days for 2016

  • January 17, 18
  • February 13, 14
  • March 12, 13
  • April 8, 9
  • May 5, 6
  • June 2, 3, 29, 30
  • July 26, 27
  • August 23, 24
  • September 19, 20
  • October 16, 17, 18
  • November 13, 14
  • December 10, 11

Who Shares My Birthday?


Toller Cranston 1949
Andie MacDowell 1958
Jeffrey Dean Morgan 1966
John Oliver 1977
Aiden Gillen 1968
Renee Zellweger 1969
Jemima Kirke 1985
William Moseley 1987
Terry Pratchett 1948
Rod McKuen 1933
Sam Heughan 1980


Jamie Dornan 1982
Donatella Versace 1955
Kristin Lehman 1972
Robin Cook 1940
Adele 1988
Adrianne Palicki 1983
Rabindranath Tagore 1861
Stephen Arnell 1981
Rosario Dawson 1979
Bono 1960
Irving Berlin 1888
Malin Akerman 1978
Lena Dunham 1986
Sofia Coppola 1971
Andy Murray 1987
Thomas Brodie-Sangster 1990
Nikki Reed 1988
Tina Fey 1970
Sam Smith 1992
Timothy Olyphant 1968