"I was so naive as a kid I used to sneak behind the barn and do nothing."

Johnny Carson (Oct. 23, 1925 - Jan 23, 25)

The Year 2016

For thousands of years, we have observed cycles: Seasons, lunar revolutions, birth and death. This year we are in a cycle where the planet Saturn is in the zodiac sign Sagittarius from 2015 to 2017. This cycle of Saturn in Sagittarius previously occurred in 1927-29; and 1956-58; and lastly in 1986-88.

The planet Saturn represents discipline, structure, form and the law courts. It tangibly defines our world through dimensions and regulations. It shrinks and solidifies.

The zodiac sign Sagittarius expands and spreads out! It has domain over foreign countries; publishing, TV, radio, and social media; universities, colleges and libraries; medical schools; law-making, jurisprudence and finally, philosophy and religion.

This year with the planet Saturn in the sign of Sagittarius, we will see new, practical applications of our beliefs and ideas, especially related to social media, universities, churches and laws governing medical care plus how we deal with foreigners and immigration.

In previous years, when Saturn was in Sagittarius, radio became regulated for the first time through the FCC, which itself, was also just formed as a governing body; the first television license was issued; sound came to film with The Jazz Singer; the Academy Awards began in 1927; regular TV programming began; and Nintendo introduced the Zelda series. Likewise, this year and next, we will see new regulations to broadband technology and the Internet, as well as television and social media.

Because Sagittarius is the sign of "foreign countries", every 30 years when Saturn is in this sign, we experience breakthrough connections between countries. In 1927, we had the first transatlantic telephone call. In that same year, Charles Lindbergh stunned the world by flying nonstop from New York to Paris. In 1928, the first TV station was started; and soon the first television show was beamed from London to New York.

In 2016, scientific inventions, especially in aviation, will shrink the world. Mergers and legislation about broadband media will take place. Meanwhile, every county suffers from xenophobia because everyone is afraid of what is foreign or strange. (Guard against the common mistake of confusing xenophobia with xenofocaccia, which is a bread some people can't chew.)

This year the biggest change will be to our way of viewing foreigners -- no matter what country we live in. The timing is right for everyone to see that we are all more alike than not. We all want to be happy.

Does Your Past Predict Your Future?

Life was a curious mix for you around 1990 because your reputation was excellent (everyone was impressed) but your personal life was up and down with job changes and residential moves. ("What's with this?") Nevertheless, that was an excellent time to change your job because people thought highly of you. Naturally, this lead to increased popularity; and by 1992, you wanted to solidify your home base, which meant you either fixed up where you were living or you moved. Again.

In 1993-94, luck was with you because Jupiter was in your sign bringing you good fortune and attracting opportunities your way. Increased responsibilities with children in 1994-95 came next. Nevertheless, your optimism and a positive outlook kept your spirits buoyed in 1996. Oh yes.

By 1997, you improved your home scene by moving somewhere that was perhaps bigger, but definitely better. ("Wanna try my new king-size bed?") This was an excellent time to explore buy real estate. Family relationships were warm; however, you were working hard to keep it together. This hard work continued into 1998, when finally, romance, love affairs, vacations and fun getaways were thrilling! (You passionate devil.)

Although job opportunities improved by the turn of the millennium, partnerships were challenging. (Again?) Sadly, some ended. Nevertheless, financial and practical assistance from others in 2001 was a help. Fortunately, by 2002, things were looking up! Many of you enjoyed wonderful travel opportunities or did something to spread your wings. By 2003, you advanced your career or profession because this was a time of getting ahead. You felt more confident about yourself because you were in touch with what you could do. Indeed, your reputation was shining!

However, a significant time in your life occurred around 2006. This was your time of harvest when you began to take your power and act with more confidence. Now the seeds that you had planted since the early 90s came to fruition. In addition, at this same time, lucky Jupiter was in your sign boosting your confidence and ushering in a major cycle of growth in your life. By 2007, your earnings increased; and the following year, you were busy with short trips, mucho activity with relatives and siblings plus learning everything on Wikipedia and more! Some of you enrolled in courses or went back to school. By 2009, real-estate opportunities were sweet. Many moved to bigger digs or improved where you currently lived. Love affairs, romance and opportunities in the arts, along with fun parties and vacations were the theme of 2010. Some of you were very involved with children.

Fortunately, by 2011, you had a chance to improve your current job or get a better job. Yes! This was fortunate because meanwhile, you were starting to let go of much of what you had created in your life since 1999. It was a time of streamlining and downsizing. (You're good at this. Scorpios know how to purge.) By 2012, partnerships improved, and the following year, you benefited from the wealth and resources of others. "Thank you!"

The year 2014 was excellent for publishing opportunities and a chance to expand your horizons through learning, travel and meeting people from different backgrounds. However, hidden enemies might have been in the picture. (Hmmm, someone did not have your best interests at heart.) Last year was a great year to boost your career and your public reputation. It was a time of getting ahead with your career and profession. Many of you got a promotion, public recognition or esteem from your peers. Work-related travel was also likely. Some did not get a promotion but instead switched fields to medicine, healing, the law, higher education or travel. What is most significant to know is that since 2012, you have been on a new 30-year journey. The first leg of this journey (from 2012 until 2020) is when you will reinvent yourself. Ta da! Yes. In 2020, you will look back at your life in 2011 and think, "OMG my world is so different!" Keep checking the mirror cuz you're changing daily!

And Here It Is ... 2016!

Wealth, Career and Reputation

No matter what your circumstances, motivation is everything. Your drive, your focus, your determination will overcome all obstacles, especially if you are a Scorpio because you are the most strong-willed sign of the zodiac. This year, for the first time in this century, you have a chance to show the world what you can do. Not because of opportunities that will be presented to you, although they may. Not because others will help you, and they will. No - it will be because you will be much more of a fighter for your own rights than usual. You will take the bit in your teeth and go after what you want. You will do everything you can to further your own best interests; and indeed, you might come on too strong for others. Furthermore, you will have high physical energy to do this, plus you will be busy because there will be much activity in your life! This year will be upbeat, independent and very positive for you. This source of energy might not come again for years - but it is here this year - for Scorpios, so use it!

Meanwhile, this is a popular year for you. Friends, casual acquaintances, organizations and groups are willing to help you because they see your focus is on career, social status and your reputation. They see that you are serious! Others are always ready to help someone who is ready to help themselves - and this is the case for you. Many of you will get a promotion at work or public recognition. But it's important to be aware that your interaction with others will benefit you. (Do get out of bed.)

At this point in your life, it's important for you to define and come to terms with what you really value. This does not just mean material things. It's important to know what really matters. In fact, if material wealth is keeping you from discovering your true values, you might experience loss. Do not let fear of financial insecurity dog your steps. It's important to know what you really want because then you will know how to make the right choices for your future. After all, something has to guide you, right? That "something" is you.

Therefore, your greatest asset this year is yourself because you are motivated, energized and hungry to get what you want. But ah ha! What do you want? This is important for you to figure out. And once you know what you want, others will be ready to help you, more than any other time in over a decade. Don't let these opportunities slip away. Make the most of them this year.

Meanwhile, lucky Jupiter will help your life flow more easily this year. With little effort, you will attain what you want. Jupiter will also help you to "think big." That means this is a great year to make plans for the future and promote your agenda in almost any area.

Let's take a quick look at the highlights of 2016 month by month:

This year begins with a busy January. You will hit the pavement running and stay on your toes. Short trips, errands, increased reading and writing plus interaction with siblings and relatives will give you a jam-packed schedule.

In February, your pace continues to accelerate; however, you will take time to focus on family and your personal life more. This could be because you are involved with a parent more than usual.

The month of March is a wonderful time for a vacation. It also promotes opportunities in the hospitality industry, the arts, working with children and anything to do with the entertainment world.

In April, you will dig in your heels and do whatever you can to get better organized. You will even want to improve your health. "I want it all!"

By May, partnerships - professional and personal - will be your primary focus. Learn what you can about your own style of relating to others.

In June, you might negotiate excellent dealings that ultimately benefit you. This is a good time to go for a loan, get funding or make decisions about shared property.

July is the month for travel, plus exploring opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education. You want adventure and a chance to learn something.

In August, you look swell! This is the only time all year when the Sun is at the top of your chart casting a flattering light on you, which makes others admire you. This is why people will approach you to take on increased responsibilities. Say yes, because you will dazzle them! (Good lighting is everything.)

September is a wonderful month to schmooze with others and join professional associations and clubs because your interaction with people will benefit you. This is also a good month to set goals.

In October, you might prefer to work alone or behind the scenes because you need to take time to catch your breath and regroup.

November is your hour because it is your month! With the Sun in your sign, you are energized, positive and strong. Now is the time to go after what you want!

December brings your focus to money, cash flow and earnings. By now, you hopefully know what it is you value.

Love, Partnerships and Friends

The entire realm of partnerships, friendships, relationships and romance is probably your strongest suit this year. To begin with, you are easily admired this year, and let's face it, that's an awfully good edge to have in any kind of relationship, especially a romantic one. In addition, this year, you have an influence that you have not had since 2003-04, which hugely promotes your relationships with friends, groups and clubs. But more specifically, it magically enhances your interrelations with others so that all of these interactions will benefit you. Yes! It's almost as if every time you go out for coffee with someone - you come out ahead! Maybe it's a great idea, or a wonderful introduction, or the perfect sympathetic ear. Whatever happens, this year, you benefit through your interaction with others - remember this.

In addition, you're coming on like gangbusters with strong, wild, sexy energy. Now this blessing, of course, is a double-edged blade. What to one person might be passionate, exciting and bold - to another, could be too much and scary! But then, you would never settle for a wimp anyway. Basically, your advantages this year in your relationships are that you are so energized and forthright; you are willing to go after what you want; and at the same time, as if by magic, your others will help you! When it comes to new romance - the rest is up to you. Obviously, existing partnerships will be revved up with energy, and will benefit as long as you remember that you are a handful this year. Oh yes! People will be in awe of you. Little do they know that you, like everyone else, still wonders, "Am I good enough?" Sigh. We are all frail mortals grappling on this darkling plain.

A quick look at the year ahead:

January is fantastic, fast-paced and social! Get out and enjoy the company of others because you want to talk to people. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

February is equally social; nevertheless, family, and perhaps a parent, figure prominently at this time.

March is a glorious month! This is the perfect time for a vacation. It's a great month for romance, love affairs, flirtations, parties, the arts, sports events and playful, social diversions. Enjoy! Buy sexy underwear.

A romance with a coworker might begin in April - definitely.

In May, your focus is on close friends and partners; and as such, if you observe your style of relating to others, you will learn how to do it better.

June is all about passionate sex. Hands down! And who is more passionate than you? Woo hoo!

In July, a romance with someone who is different, or perhaps from another culture or another country, might begin. You will be intrigued by anyone who is exotic and curious. (You are a sucker for good looks.)

In August, a friend could become a lover, and a lover could become a friend. You might also strike up a romance with your boss. (Really?)

September is a social month. Enjoy schmoozing with everyone while you secretly have a clandestine tryst with someone. Right up your alley. Scorpios like recreational sex.

October is the perfect month to shop for wardrobe goodies so that you look fabulous to all your admirers. Please do this. (More sexy underwear!)

In November, you are out in full dazzle because this is your birthday month. You will be quite forceful about meeting others. You won't wait for an introduction.

December is a time where your words are sweet and diplomatic. Daily contacts, neighbours and even distant relatives might stir your heart.

Home and Family

Since you will be so gung ho in a physical, spirited sense in 2016, you might benefit by having exercise equipment at home to help you to burn off some pent-up energy. This is because you will have lots of energy in 2016 for the first eight months of the year due to an unusual placement of Mars. Naturally, this is an asset. You can use this to work and do things. However, it's also something that can build up within you and make you impatient, short tempered and irritated with others. Keep this in mind because obviously, you want to keep the peace at home. And you want to keep the peace with family members. Therefore, think about ways to deal with your abundant physical energy! And also, think about how wisely you can use this energy. And also how to be aware that you're coming on so strong that others might resist you or object to you. Hey, there is no benefit in building opposition to you, right? Therefore, this is one of the first things to be aware of in terms of family relationships in 2016.

Secondly, 2016 will be a popular year! This means you will be active and perhaps gone a lot, not only enjoying the company of friends, but also because of your involvement with groups, clubs and associations. So you might be absent from your home more than usual; and conversely, at times, you might encourage these groups to come to your home. This is another change for 2016.

In the bigger picture, this is a year where you will start to learn what is really important to you -- what you really value. If you start to worry about certain areas, you might feel financially insecure. This, in turn, will make you want to establish greater control of your material possessions and the things that you own - and this could also affect your family relationships. A word to the wise: Don't get too hung up on the "stuff" that you own. Don't get bogged down where you cannot see the forest because of the trees. One way to get things in perspective is to suddenly imagine losing something or someone. When you think of how precious your family members are to you - this can make you see how secondary your possessions really are. They're just stuff.

Since 2011, and looking ahead until 2019, there is a strong relationship between your home and family situation and your health. Naturally, to a lesser degree, this applies to all of us all of the time. But for Scorpios, this relationship is strong for the next three years. This means that anxiety about possessions, anxiety about feeling house proud (or not), anxiety about dealing with loved ones and family members will impact your health - literally, at a cellular level. Therefore, don't become a victim of worry and anxiety about not getting your way at home. Because let's face it, when the annals of history are written - what really matters? People come first.

A Sneak Peek Beyond

Good news! In October of 2017, lucky, moneybags Jupiter enters Scorpio where it will stay for a whole year! Oh yeah, bring it on! The last time Jupiter was in your sign was in 2006. The next time Jupiter will be in your sign will be 2029. So you can see that this wonderful blessing does not come along that often - maybe three times in your adult life. This influence is like having Lady Luck smile on you. People and resources are attracted to you. Your state of mind is positive because you think like a winner, which is half the battle, right there. Your self-confidence and poise will increase in the year that Jupiter is in your sign, and obviously, this has a lasting effect for later years. Even the spiritual dimension of your life will deepen. (Yes, your kids won't have cavities and they will get A's.) So this is a wonderful thing you have to look forward to.

Between 2018 and 2021, job changes and residential moves are very likely. And specifically, (and make note of this), the year 2021 will be one of the best years in a 24-year stretch for you to take advantage of real estate. If you buy and sell real estate at that time - wonderful. Or you might just improve your current home or rent something bigger and better. In 2022, a fabulous vacation is on the horizon and by 2023, you will improve your job or get a better job. Guaranteed! Assistance, money and resources from others will come your way in 2024 and 2025 - hmmm, looking good!

Your Scorpio Mantra for 2016

"My friendships and interactions with others benefit me this year"

Mercury Retrograde in 2016

Expect delays, lost items and confused communications! Best to finish things, not begin them. These are poor times to buy cars, trucks, bikes, computers, printers and phones.

Dates below are actual retrograde dates and buffer dates. Why? Mercury slows down before it goes retrograde and then it needs to catch up to where it was at when it first went retrograde. Use buffer times to avoid big purchases like cars.

Actual Mercury Retrograde Dates Buffered Dates
(I use this one)
January 5 - January 25 January 1 - February 14
April 28 - May 22 April 19 - June 8
August 30 - September 22 August 18 - October 6
December 19 - January 8 December 11 - January 28

Lucky Days for 2016

  • January 3, 4, 5, 31
  • February 1, 27, 28, 29
  • March 25, 26, 27
  • April 22, 23
  • May 19, 20
  • June 15, 16, 17
  • July 13, 14
  • August 9, 10
  • September 5, 6, 7
  • October 3, 4, 30, 31
  • November 26, 27, 28
  • December 23, 24, 25

Who Shares My Birthday?


Ryan Reynolds 1976
Kevin Kline 1947
Michael Boatman 1964
Jim Butcher 1971
Fran Lebowitz 1950
Joaquin Phoenix 1974
Joely Fisher 1967
Ezra Pound 1885
Muriel Duckworth 1908


Aishwarya Rai Bachchan 1973
k. d. lang 1961
Kendall Jenner 1995
Jeff Probst 1961
Art Garfunkel 1941
Sally Field 1946
Joni Mitchell 1943
Gretchen Mol 1972
Carl Sagan 1934
Hugh Bonneville 1963
Calista Flockhart 1964
Neil Young 1945
Jimmy Kimmel 1967
Charles, Prince of Wales 1948
Georgia O'Keefe 1887
Martha Plimpton 1970
Gordon Lightfoot 1938
Margaret Atwood 1939
Allison Janney 1959
Richard Masur 1948
Goldie Hawn 1945