"Houston, Tranquillity Base here. The Eagle has landed."

Neil Armstrong (Aug. 5, 1930 - Aug. 25, 2012)

The Year 2016

For thousands of years, we have observed cycles: Seasons, lunar revolutions, birth and death. This year we are in a cycle where the planet Saturn is in the zodiac sign Sagittarius from 2015 to 2017. This cycle of Saturn in Sagittarius previously occurred in 1927-29; and 1956-58; and lastly in 1986-88.

The planet Saturn represents discipline, structure, form and the law courts. It tangibly defines our world through dimensions and regulations. It shrinks and solidifies.

The zodiac sign Sagittarius expands and spreads out! It has domain over foreign countries; publishing, TV, radio, and social media; universities, colleges and libraries; medical schools; law-making, jurisprudence and finally, philosophy and religion.

This year with the planet Saturn in the sign of Sagittarius, we will see new, practical applications of our beliefs and ideas, especially related to social media, universities, churches and laws governing medical care plus how we deal with foreigners and immigration.

In previous years, when Saturn was in Sagittarius, radio became regulated for the first time through the FCC, which itself, was also just formed as a governing body; the first television license was issued; sound came to film with The Jazz Singer; the Academy Awards began in 1927; regular TV programming began; and Nintendo introduced the Zelda series. Likewise, this year and next, we will see new regulations to broadband technology and the Internet, as well as television and social media.

Because Sagittarius is the sign of "foreign countries", every 30 years when Saturn is in this sign, we experience breakthrough connections between countries. In 1927, we had the first transatlantic telephone call. In that same year, Charles Lindbergh stunned the world by flying nonstop from New York to Paris. In 1928, the first TV station was started; and soon the first television show was beamed from London to New York.

In 2016, scientific inventions, especially in aviation, will shrink the world. Mergers and legislation about broadband media will take place. Meanwhile, every county suffers from xenophobia because everyone is afraid of what is foreign or strange. (Guard against the common mistake of confusing xenophobia with xenofocaccia, which is a bread some people can't chew.)

This year the biggest change will be to our way of viewing foreigners -- no matter what country we live in. The timing is right for everyone to see that we are all more alike than not. We all want to be happy.

Does Your Past Predict Your Future?

This forecast begins with highlights of your past because if what I say about your past rings true, then you can trust what I say about your future. Plus I'm a Leo, too.

A look back at the early 90's will see a big shift in your life. For starters, lucky Jupiter entered your sign in August 1990 where it stayed until September 1991. This brought you good fortune, and gave you an edge with whatever you were dealing with then. In addition, 1991 was a time where you chose to step out into the world to take your power. Oh yeah! For different reasons, according to the details of your personal life, you received kudos and acknowledgements for your past efforts. And Lord knows, life was a struggle for you since 1989! But you survived, and by 1991, you were out there leading the pack!

Within a year or so, your earnings took a nice boost; and the only major challenge was that close partnerships were tough. In fact, in the early 90s, relationships that were more trouble than they were worth bit the dust.

Around 1994, your home scene became enriched because you moved to bigger digs, or you bought beautiful things for where you already lived, or your family expanded through marriage, birth or adoption. By 1995, you were having fun! (Although you had to rely on your own resources for support.) Around 1999-2000 an important culmination for you occurred. Something you were working on for the last 14 years finally came to fruition, and your reputation with your peers looked great! Travel and publishing opportunities also were promising. This positive time in your life carried merrily along until 2003- 04 when circumstances dictated that you had to start to let go of things.

Following 2003-04, in the next few years, you gave up people, places and possessions so that you could begin a whole new world around 2006. "Stick a fork in me, Lord - I'm done!"

At that time, a new 12-year cycle was beginning. Your home life became enriched because you were enjoying a bigger home, or you felt richer at home, or you had more beautiful things. For some reason, your family might have expanded through marriage, birth or adoption. By 2007, romance, the arts, sports, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry offered you opportunities. Your work flourished in 2008 and by 2009, relationships were a source of joy and support. That was a good time to get married, incidentally.

Benefits from others, especially financial, came to you in 2010 and by 2011/12 - you were laughing! Your name was up in lights and people now knew what you could do. But for some, 2011-2013 was also a time of flux and change because you changed jobs, residences or both.

Lucky Jupiter returned to your sign in July 2014 where it stayed until August 2015. This made life easier, with one exception. The magnifying influence of Jupiter will always attract goodies, wealth and increase your resources because it expands! But yes - it can bring weight gain! Aaggghh. Another factor might have contributed to your weight gain, which is fair Venus was in Leo for almost 4 months in 2015 (which is most unusual because Venus is usually in one sign for just three weeks). That meant party city for Leos! Not only did you enjoy the arts, movies, musical performances, sports events, vacations, love affairs, parties, schmoozing - you celebrated with find dining! Remember Miss Piggy: "Never eat more than you can lift."

But if you look back, you see that basically, from 2006 until this year, you were reinventing yourself. This is why the year 2016 is a momentous year for Leos! It's like rounding Cape Horn. It took you a long time to get here, and now you will steadily and slowly rise to a career peak in your distant future. So let's take a look at what 2016 will bring!

And Here It Is ... 2016!

Wealth, Career and Reputation

Two strong influences will help you in your job, your wealth, your career and your reputation in 2016. The first influence is that lucky, moneybags Jupiter will enter your House of Earnings and stay there for the entire year. Ka-ching! Traditionally, this signifies a boost to your earnings, and an increase to your assets and possessions. It can also mean a better paying job. It might indicate an increase in work-related travel or dealing with foreign countries and people from other cultures. It most certainly signifies an increase in your overall wealth, including your sense of self-worth. (Money is so handy when you want to buy things.)

Because of this strong emphasis on resources, possessions, earnings and wealth, it's important that you have a good understanding of how to best use your resources, now and in the future. In other words, you want to own your possessions; you don't want them to own you. You want to benefit from what you own. You don't want what you own to be an albatross around your neck. You want to know how to own just enough - not too much. After all, your possessions are supposed to make your life easier, right?

Therefore, this is the year to look carefully at what you need. Define what makes your life easier and helps to run things more smoothly. Figure out what you need to do this. If you have more than you need, it can be a worry and a burden. For example, you have to store it somewhere. You have to take care of it. You have to clean it. You have to fix it. You have to paint it. You have to protect it from theft and breakage - and the list goes on. Indeed, you will think about all these things because at its most subtle level, Jupiter going through your House of Earnings and Possessions is meant to teach you how to actualize in your life what it is that you really value. You don't need more stuff! You just need what you value. It is well known that great wealth and content seldom live together. (Kinda depressing, eh?)

The second strong influence that affects your earnings, wealth and practical well-being is that Saturn is now in your fellow Fire sign. This influence has two aspects: The first aspect is that you can now stop pounding your head against the wall. When Saturn is at odds with your sign, it is onerous - a true burden. It creates obstacles. It makes you feel old. It even makes your joints feel creaky. And since 2012, Saturn has been at odds with all Leos. Saturn has made life difficult, not in a casual, lighthearted way - but in a real and hard way. When that famous Leo Arnie became a champion muscleman he said, "Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths"

So the first blessing of Saturn in your fellow Fire Sign is simply that Saturn in no longer in a tough position for you. Anything is an improvement! Oy vey!

The second aspect of Saturn in your fellow Fire Sign is that it now offers you support instead of obstacles. A complete 180! Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. In 2016, Saturn will give you strength! Instead of weak bones and creaky joints, you will have endurance. Your fatigue will fade. You will build your confidence instead of eroding it. Think of Saturn in your fellow Fire Sign like sitting on a three-legged stool. In the last few years, you were afraid one of the legs would break because it felt wobbly - but now, in 2016, the third leg is firmly repaired. It is strong and you can trust it.

Naturally, with the help of Jupiter boosting your earnings, and Saturn boosting your confidence, strength and endurance, you can approach your job and career with greater success. At this time in your life, whatever you produce will be the result of hard work; but you won't mind because it will be easy for you to have self-discipline. In fact, more than ever, you will be keen to explore your creative impulses. It will give you great satisfaction and a sense of pride and accomplishment to give form to something through your own efforts. And you can do this in 2016.

The last time Jupiter travelled through your Money House was from September 2003 until October 2004. Think back to see if you had an opportunity to boost your earnings then. Or perhaps you increased your assets because you were gifted things or you might have even purchased them yourself. This blessing only comes a few times in our adult life. Make the most of it! Do not take it for granted. The next time Jupiter will travel through your Money House will be in late 2027 and 2028.

And similarly, because it always helps to correlate information - the last time Saturn was supportive to you in this particular Fire Sign was in 1986-87. After it finishes this particular support to you, it will not return again for 30 years.

Think about the opportunities that are in your life to boost your earnings and solidify your assets and your sense of security. You have a wonderful chance to do this in 2016. Don't be waiting at the train station when your ship comes in!

Let's look at your year ahead on a month by month basis:

In response to partying and playing during the holidays, in January, you are determined to get organized and be on top of your scene. You will also be very hands-on with any job that you do. Nevertheless, you will continue to entertain at home and redecorate and tweak your digs.

In February, the Sun is now as far away from you as it can get all year, which means you will need rest, because the Sun is your source of energy. Chaos and increased energy at home might also tire you out so respect your need for rest.

March is a month where your emphasis will be on shared property, taxes, debt and dealing with anything related to how your finances relate to the wealth and resources of others. Relations with partners are friendly and warm.

In April, by all means, travel if you can because you need to get outta Dodge! Some will enjoy studying something new and exciting.

In the month of May, the Sun is at high noon in your chart casting a flattering light on you. This makes you look good in the eyes of others, which is why people will ask you to take on a special job. Say yes! Travel for pleasure still appeals and money starts to come in! Ka-ching!

June is a popular month. Accept all invitations to party and schmooze. Join clubs, groups and associations. Continue to look for ways to boost your income because they exist.

July is a quiet month where you can catch your breath and ponder your values. Be patient with family members. Pamper yourself.

In August you shine! The Sun, Venus and Mercury are in your sign making you look good to others. This is a great month to buy wardrobe goodies. It's also an excellent time to talk to others to share your ideas.

Cash flow, earnings and your possessions are a strong focus in September. You're full of moneymaking ideas, and at the same time, you're spending money as well on beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. (You love to give gifts.)

October is a busy month! Short trips, discussions with others plus reading, writing and studying will give you a jam-packed schedule. You also feel playful and flirtatious! And yes! You are still full of moneymaking ideas! How sweet it is.

November is a month when you will be focused on home, family and your private life more than usual. Nevertheless, romance is sweet and vacations will be fun. You will work hard and party hard!

December is a playful, lovely month for you. Your creative vibes are strong and you are in the mood to flirt, have fun and enjoy sports and pleasurable activities with children. Be patient with partners because Mars is opposite your sign, and think makes you easily irritated with others. Fortunately, this is gone by December 20th. Just in time for the holidays!

Love, Partnerships and Friends

I can't think of sign more associated with romance than Leo. You invented the whole thing. You came up with candlelight dinners, soft music and rose petals on stairways, long waterfront drives in sleek convertibles, silk scarves floating, impressive clothes to make your stunning entrance, eyes locked mysteriously across a crowded room. Everything is dramatic, over-the-top. Cards, notes, flowers, wine glasses, doors banging, sobbing, rushing out to drive away in a huff. (Always bring your huff in case you need to leave in it.) The stuff of movies is Leo! All that foolishness, the impulsiveness, the high drama - you can't help yourself - it's who you are.

Leo love requires romantic dates, vacations, snappy clothes, cars, jewelry and all the set decorations that are necessary for a romance to flourish in style! And what does all this require? Money. Now, this is not to say that Leos cannot enjoy romance if they're broke - because they can. Leos are resourceful, romantic and imaginative, and they can make a fabulous date out of a simple picnic. What I'm simply pointing out here is that because this year you will boost your income - you will also boost your romantic sense of confidence about yourself. And when your confidence is boosted and yes, you have some disposable income - naturally, any self-respecting Leo will explore romantic fun and pleasure. Why not? After all, life is short - and fat.

You have every reason to be hopeful of improving your existing relationships this year. And if you are single, you have every reason to be hopeful of meeting someone new because you feel confidence, sexy and captivating. Leos need to be adored! You don't feel adorable if you're not dressed right or you're feeling down or discouraged and lacking confidence. But this year, you will feel adorable! And you will look adorable! Oh yes.

However, stern Saturn will enter the picture this year and Saturn is never fickle. Furthermore, Saturn is never frivolous, coy or teasing. Saturn is serious. Saturn is all about the bottom line - the real deal. And this is why singles will want real romance this year. They want to encounter a relationship that is going to be serious with longevity. They want to meet Mr. Right not just Mr. Right Now. So even though your confidence and poise are strong, and your increased earnings make you feel playful with all kinds of possibilities - you will not want to play around just to play around. You're going to be too serious for that.

In fact, with Saturn in the picture, you might become with involved with someone older or someone who acts a bit parental to you. Possibly, this will be reversed and you will be the older person in the relationship, acting parental to someone else. Whichever role you play, there will be a learning quality to it because Saturn is the Great Teacher.

By September or October, there will be a major shift because Jupiter will enter a different part of your chart boosting your optimism and enthusiasm. This later influence will offset some of the seriousness of Saturn. When Jupiter changes signs in the autumn, your plans for the future will become larger and more expansive! Your attitude to the world will be more generous. You'll be more tolerant of other people's differences. You'll be upbeat and full of the power of positive thinking. Jupiter will improve your communications with others because it will help you to be frank and willing to talk about yourself with more ease. In fact, your relations with people in power will improve, because they admire your ability to "think big." Many of you will meet romantic interests through relatives, siblings and neighbours.

But the bottom line of this shift of Jupiter in September (and it can occur a few months later depending on when your birthday falls) but when it happens - it signals a year ahead of greater happiness and easier living. Yes, that sounds trite and corny but it's true. Your life will just get easier. Easier is good!

Home and Family

When it comes to dealing with your home, and especially, dealing with your family, you don't like to have money worries. You like to be reassuring to others. You like to give everyone the impression that they have a secure home, with nothing to worry about. You definitely like to entertain at home and be generous to your guests. And likewise, you like to be generous to your loved ones and family members. Given that these are all values that are close to your heart - it's obvious that you can see that being able to boost your income this year or in some manner increase your earnings, the domino effect will entirely improve your home and family life. You are such a generous sign you will actually borrow money to give money to others or lend it to them. And likewise, you will go into debt to entertain people with extravagant style because you want everyone to have a great time.

So one thing is certain. Because you feel you are on a better financial footing this year, you will enjoy having a chance to make improvements to your home, or buy beautiful things for your home, or entertain more at home, and certainly, you will also enjoy being able to be generous to family members. These things are important to you.

Furthermore, an influence from Saturn indicates that you might very likely have increased responsibilities with children for some reason in 2016. You might have an older son or daughter move back in with you. Or you might have increased responsibilities with a younger child. In some way, you will take your responsibilities with children more seriously.

In addition, an unusual influence with Mars will occur in 2016 that will affect the home life of only Leos born before August 9. Usually, Mars is in one sign for about six weeks, and this happens about every two years. However, in 2016, Mars will be in roughly one area of your chart for eight months! Wherever Mars hovers in your chart is an indication of increased chaos and activity. There will be much more activity! There will be much to-ing and fro-ing. And yes, you have guessed correctly - this unusual eight-month influence of Mars will occur in the part of your chart that symbolizes home and family.

The details of why this is happening are pertinent to your own life. But some examples will be renovations and redecorating projects. This influence might even indicate a change of residence. Or it might mean that someone moves in to your home or someone moves out. But for certain, there will be increased activity, chaos and busyness on the home front for the first eight months of the year.

All this explosion of energy will require patience. Mars is always an indicator of aggressive energy, and sometimes this energy triggers tension in the part of the chart where it occurs. This means that tension with family members for the first eight months of the year will be likely. Yikes! Don't worry; when your money worries are reduced, you always feel happier. This is nothing you can't handle. As a little hint - the last time Mars influenced your home environment was for the month of August in 2014.

And I repeat. This will happen primarily for those who are born before August 9 (in any year).

Certainly January will be a month where you will work hard to get better organized at home. In April, it appears you will travel any chance you get. In May, your career looks fantastic and people will admire you for some reason. June is a particularly popular month for you - accept all invitations and join clubs, groups and associations. By August, you are strong because the Sun is in your sign, along with Venus, and you look fabulous to everyone! Incidentally, August is a wonderful month for you to buy wardrobe items. In October, you are strongly focused on money, earnings and cash flow because by now, the chaos at home has subsided. This could be why November is the month you choose to cocoon at home and catch your breath. "Alone, at last!" December, as usual, is full of fun excursions, the theatre, the arts, romance, social diversions and playful times with children.

A Sneak Peek Beyond

In 2017, you will be happier, more optimistic and filled with the power of positive thinking. You will be busy with short trips, studying, writing and learning something new. This sneak peek ahead also reveals an important tip for you, which is that the year 2018 is an excellent time for real estate. This means it's an excellent time to buy or sell your own home; and it is an equally good time to speculate in real estate. If you don't do any of these things, you might improve where you live by buying beautiful things or doing renovations. Or you might move someplace that feels bigger and richer. 2018 is also a wonderful year to enjoy enriched relationships with family members. In fact, family relationships will be more joyful and more mutually generous.

The year 2019 is fabulous for vacations, love affairs and creative activities. And yet, it is a year when you will be working hard. In 2020, you can improve your health and your job. Count on this. And by 2021, relationships will be cozier than they've ever been. (This is a great year to marry or enter into a new partnership.) In 2022, inheritances, gifts and favours from others will come your way because you will benefit from the resources and wealth of others.

The year 2023 is full of chances to travel, as well as opportunities to explore avenues in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. And finally, in 2024, your reputation is stellar! Once again - your name is up in lights! It's show time!

Your Leo Mantra for 2016

If friendship is the bread of life - money is the honey!

Mercury Retrograde in 2016

Expect delays, lost items and confused communications! Best to finish things, not begin them. These are poor times to buy cars, trucks, bikes, computers, printers and phones.

Dates below are actual retrograde dates and buffer dates. Why? Mercury slows down before it goes retrograde and then it needs to catch up to where it was at when it first went retrograde. Use buffer times to avoid big purchases like cars.

Actual Mercury Retrograde Dates Buffered Dates
(I use this one)
January 5 - January 25 January 1 - February 14
April 28 - May 22 April 19 - June 8
August 30 - September 22 August 18 - October 6
December 19 - January 8 December 11 - January 28

Lucky Days for 2016

  • January 23, 24, 25
  • February 20, 21
  • March 18, 19
  • April 14, 15, 16
  • May 12, 13
  • June 8, 9
  • July 5, 6, 7
  • August 2, 3, 29, 30
  • September 25, 26, 27
  • October 23, 24
  • November 19, 20
  • December 16, 17

Who Shares My Birthday?


Alison Krauss 1971
Emily Bett Rickards
Geoffrey Zakarian 1959
Kevin Spacey 1959
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau 1970
Jackie Kennedy 1929
Martina McBride 1966
Gina Rodriguez 1984
Dean Cain 1966


Honeysuckle Weeks 1979
Isabel Allende 1942
Mamie Gummer 1983
Louis Vuitton 1821
David Chang 1977
Lucille Ball 1911
Liam James 1996
Keith Carradine 1949
Gillian Anderson 1968
Suzanne Collins 1962
Viola Davis 1965
Cara Delevingne 1992
Paul Greengrass 1955
Marcia Gay Harden 1959
Debra Messing 1968
Madonna 1958
Robert DeNiro 1943
Robert Redford 1936
Veronica Roth 1988
Ben Barnes 1981
Kim Cattrall 1956
Giada De Laurentiis 1970