"Living in the lap of luxury isn't bad, except that you never know when luxury is going to stand up."

Taurus actor/director, Orson Welles (May 16, 1915 - Oct. 10, 1985)

The Year 2015

Since 2012, difficult planetary aspects between Pluto and Uranus have created unpredictable, catastrophic events affecting countries, weather systems, aviation, accidents and political protests. There are seven times during the interval from 2012 until March 2015 that these occur. But after March, these untoward events will subside. Of course, life will always have unpredictable events and tragedy; but there will be a noticeable lessening of these threats.

Furthermore, once Jupiter enters Virgo in August, the economy and general well-being of both Canada and the United States will improve. Specifically, legislation regarding health-related issues as well as the environment will be encouraging.

Meanwhile, this year, the planet Saturn will be in Sagittarius and remain there for the next two years. The last time Saturn was in Sagittarius was from 1986-1988, and before that in 1927-1929. Saturn rules the law courts and the legal infrastructure of society; and Sagittarius is concerned with the laws that govern higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and how we deal with foreign countries.

This planetary combination will result in legislation about education, immigration, the media (including the Internet), medicine and law enforcement. Sagittarius aspires to ideals in truth, freedom, open-mindedness, spirituality and education, which means a new kind of idealism will permeate legal decisions.

Meanwhile, the three Mercury retrogrades that occur this year will all take place in Air signs, and Air signs are intellectual. This is a further indication of innovative breakthroughs and inventions, particularly in electronics, computers and the high-tech industry.

Ultimately, there will be more stable economic growth especially after August for both Canada and the United States.

I don't believe in a Pollyanna way that we are always progressing to bigger and better things. But this year will see a lessening of difficult situations and a strong encouragement and progress in laws that better society.

Jupiter in Virgo will help to restore Canada's reputation, which has suffered globally in terms of freedom of expression and our overall "nice guy" image. I think we will once again regain much of the respect we have lost not only in the eyes of other countries, but in the individual self-respect of Canadians.

Although the beginning of this year will be tumultuous, and things will, yet again, be stalled in the water from June to September; after that, there will be welcome improvements that will affect millions of people. This year hope is justified!

-- Georgia Nicols
December, 2014

We All Have a Past

Your 2015 annual forecast begins with a nod to the past to demonstrate how accurate or not it is. If what I say about your past resonates with you, then you can trust what I say about your future.

You will recall that the mid-90s were a time of loss for you when you were forced to give up many things - people, places, possessions, jobs, relationships, residences and perhaps even countries. This eventually led to a significant time in your life around 1999, a year that was important for several reasons. This year was the beginning of a personal seven-year journey of self-discovery, which was ultimately completed by 2005-06. But 1999 was also a testing time for partnerships and close friendships, because Mars was opposite your sign for months, creating difficulties with others. Grrr.

Fortunately, by 2000, lucky Jupiter was in Taurus (yay!), attracting increased good fortune and feel-good moments. You needed this. Even though you had set off on a new path, which meant in many ways that you were exploring new territory, you felt confident and fortunate! In addition, surprising opportunities came your way. Admittedly, squabbles about shared property needed your attention in 2001, but by 2004, you entered a three-year window that involved a change of residence, or a change of jobs, or perhaps both. This was a time of flux for you. Things were uncertain. And you don't like uncertainty! Like your fellow Earth sign, Capricorn, you prefer a predictable outcome. Nevertheless, many of you took a vacation in 2004, and had fun with sports events and playful times with children. Many of you also explored new romance! ("Come wiz me to ze Casbah!")

You were revved up, and raring to go by 2005. Oh, yes! You were assertive, proactive, and focused on what you wanted. One of the reasons you were so ready to fight for your rights is because fiery Mars was in your sign for seven months. ("Look out world!") By 2007, you were determined to establish a home base for yourself. Perhaps this required another residential move on your part, which no doubt, many of you went through. However, some of you stayed where you were already living, and instead decided to fix up, repair or renovate where your nest. This was important for you, because you wanted to secure your home base.

By 2009, your reputation looked good. ("Hey kiddo, lookin' swell!") People were impressed with you, and you were starting to make a name for yourself, which is why by 2011-12 you were busting your buns and working hard to prove to the world what you could do. And sure enough, you started to claim your own power. By 2013, you were earning better money and getting better jobs. As Joe Lewis, a fellow Taurus, once said, "I don't like money actually, but it quiets my nerves."

To recap: From 1999 until 2013, you reinvented yourself then figured out what you wanted to do. Therefore, after 2013 - a pivotal year - you began to work in earnest toward a career peak, which now lies about five years ahead in the future, waiting for you.

In the last few years, many of you have boosted your earnings. Happy news! After all, Taurus is the zodiac sign of the financial wizard. You like making money, because wealth, especially mortgage-free land, makes you feel secure. However, the past two years were a time when relationships were challenged. (Ouch!) This is because Saturn is in Scorpio for the first time since late 1983 to November 1985. Saturn's sojourn in Scorpio lasts from late 2012 to the end of 2014. But that is not the end of its opposition to your sign. In June, it will return to stay until the end of September. Then, and only then, will it be gone from Scorpio for another 30 years. Whew!

This is significant, because these two signs - Taurus and Scorpio - are 180? apart. Therefore, Saturn is now opposing Taurus. Just as it did during the journey of Saturn though Scorpio in the mid-80s, and again in the last two years. This ain't easy! The bad news is it creates difficulty in marriages, partnerships and close friendships. Note: Relationships that are not going to last will end now, because you finally see that they are more trouble than they are worth. However, relationships that are meant to endure will undergo adjustments and succeed. Courage! Keep the high road! Thankfully, there is also some good news about this Saturn opposition. To learn more, read on.

Money and Career

To get a solid picture of what is happening to your career and financial world, let's look at Saturn. ("Must we?" "We must, we must!") Saturn takes 30 years to travel through all 12 signs. It stays in each sign for about two and a half years. When it lines up with your sign, or when it opposes your sign, these are significant years in your life! Since late 2012, Saturn has been opposing your sign in a Mexican standoff. Again, the last time this happened was from late 1983 to 1985.

So what does this mean? It means this is an important time in both your career development, and your relationship with your external world. Since 1999, Saturn travelled through the bottom half of your chart. Under the table, if you will. But since late 2012, Saturn is now "above the table" as it starts its journey through the upper half of your chart. Whereas in the previous 14 years, you created a "new you" and figured out what to do with your new identity, now you are ready to test the waters of this big, wide world. ("I'm ready!") You will become increasingly more interactive with people and external events, more than you have been for the last 14 years. For sure! Your future is full of exciting possibilities! You are now openly and actively working toward a career peak, which awaits you in 2020.

In the first six months of this year, you will feel lighter and happier, almost as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. Naturally, you will have to pull in your reins, because the wealth and resources of others will be cut off or diminished. This means you will be forced to stand on your own two feet, especially by July. However, since you are financially resourceful and hard-working, having to rely on yourself will not deter you. ("Peanuts!")

At the same time, in the first six months of the year continue to look for real-estate opportunities. You can make money through real-estate speculation, and you can also boost your earnings by working from home or creating a home business. These are all ways to create financial gain and greater financial security. And like a gift from the gods, you will have a boost from lucky Jupiter! This huge planet of benefit and good fortune will put you in a positive frame of mind, and give you an upbeat outlook on life. It will also make you so charming, so diplomatic, and so winning with your words that you will be able to sell, market, write, promote and talk your way into anything. ("Anything?" "Yes, anything! Well, almost.")

This is wonderful, because if you have a positive attitude everything flows from that. Consider this: First comes the thought, and from the thought springs the word. From the word springs the deed, and the deed soon becomes habit. Of course, habit slowly hardens into character. And this is how your thoughts create who you are! This year Jupiter will promote a positive, confident and optimistic outlook in you!

The last time you had this kind of positive inner boost was in 2002. At that time, however, your job scene was challenging. It was harder to earn money and to keep a job. Now you are stronger and more powerful in terms of your career and your work. This means you can safely rely on yourself and your skills to succeed. Yes! ("Friendship is the bread of life, but money is the honey.")

January will be great for work-related travel and chances to pursue opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You will be ambitious then as well! February is a good time to make your pitch or go after what you want, because people in authority see you in a positive light. You have the advantage! March is a popular time, but you become stronger still as your birthday approaches in April/May. Now your words are sweet, promoting excellent business deals and relationships. Your focus on money, cash flow and earnings is strongest in June, whereas July offers you opportunities for writing, sales, promotion, teaching and training. Financial speculation will appeal in September and for the rest of the year. November will focus strongly on partnerships, while December will be a time to tie up loose ends.

Do take note: Financial speculation in real estate this year is the best it has been in over a decade! Please read that last sentence again! Keep your eyes open, because you can make money or initiate a line of action that will bring you future profits. Specifically, June and July are excellent months for sweet opportunities. Explore anything related to real estate, land, housing, residential speculation, plus profits that could be made from buying rundown real estate, renovating it and then selling it again.

Mid-August until the end of the year will be excellent for all financial negotiations. You feel positive, strong, and full of a sense of well-being, which naturally helps all your negotiations. Your creative potential is also strong at this time, and work-related travel will likely increase toward the end of year.

Relationships and Romance

Everything to do with partnerships, intimate relationships and close friendships is HUGE right now, because of the Saturn opposition to your sign. As mentioned above, Saturn opposed your sign in the mid-80s from late 1983 to 1986, and is opposed to your sign again right now, from late 2012 until October 2015. This opposition is a classic time for stressful relationships and partnerships. Bummer! In fact, the stress is so strong, some relationships will end. This means many of you have already ended a marriage or a partnership; while others might be thinking about doing so. Obviously, all marriages and partnerships will not end. But they will each go though a time of testing, and they will have to undergo readjustments. The people in them will have to figure out what they really want. Remember: For a relationship to be successful, you must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you.

Because you will feel lighter, and life will be easier in the first six months of this year, naturally these positive feelings will spill over into your relationships. However, from June to September - just three months - you will once again feel that partnerships are on edge, perhaps to the point of breaking. Once this critical time has passed, then you can be sure that the relationships that currently exist will probably endure. Of course, we are all frail mortals, and there are no guarantees in any relationship. What was it that Oscar Wilde said? "It's absurd to divide people into either good or bad. They are either charming or tedious."

Fortunately, marriages and relationships where people live together will sweeten beautifully, perhaps to the surprise of both parties. That's because everything to do with your private life, including the people you live with, will be blessed this year! You can count on this.

By the late summer and into autumn, many of you will explore new romantic relationships. In fact, the opportunities that present themselves and your chances to explore these relationships will be the best they have been in over a decade! This is a fact.

This year you appear quite sexy to others, especially after mid-August, because lucky Jupiter will be dancing beautifully with your sign. Whatever you try to accomplish will be easy for you, and this boost to your confidence will attract others. Confidence is always sexy! You will also have a heightened interested in physical activity, especially athletics. This could also be a way some of you will meet new partners or create new friendships. ("Anyone for tennis?")

By mid-summer, for the first time in 12 years, lucky Jupiter enters the part of your chart that rules love affairs and romance. Yay me! Naturally romantic relationships will become more important to you. Many of you will meet people from a radically different background, or from a different culture or a different country. These new relationships will teach you a lot, and could be thrilling! Because this is a time when many of you will enjoy vacations, you may also meet people while on vacation, or in social situations and parties.

The last half of this year is particularly successful for all fun, social relationships. Believe me. So live it up!

Home, Family and Real Estate

In a curious contradiction, despite the fact that partnerships have been (and might still be) stressful, your home life and everything to do with your family relationships will flourish beautifully in 2015!

Go figure.

In fact, this is really where you come out as the big winner. Not since 2002-03, have you felt so happy at home, and so happy relating with family members. Everyone seems to be affectionate, friendly and generous to each other, because there's this positive, happy vibe in the family. Furthermore, this sort of thing feeds on itself. That's why positive, loving relationships expand and grow in a lovely enriching way; whereas negative, critical relationships spiral downwards suffocating everyone.

Not only will you enjoy richer, happier relationships with family members, you will also enjoy your home and where you live more this year. Without question, your home scene will be so blessed. This will be the best year in over a decade to explore real-estate options. You might move to better digs, which will feel bigger and more affluent. As mentioned in the career section above, this is also a good time to speculate in real estate. And for those of you who have no intention of moving, this is the perfect year to invest money in your current home by buying beautiful things for your home, or renovating it, or improving it in some way. In other words, whatever you invest in your real estate and home will yield benefits, both now and in the future.

January is a great month to travel, but also to entertain people from other countries and different cultures. May is a strong month, because your birthday energy brings you alive! This naturally promotes relationships with siblings, neighbours and relatives. June, July and August are wonderful months to entertain at home, and also redecorate or buy beautiful things for where you live. Your focus on children will be strong in the autumn. In fact, many of you might expand your family through adoption or birth at this time. October continues to be a wonderful time for vacations and family entertaining. Of course, Taurus never has trouble getting people to come to their house, because Taurus is famous for laying on a good spread. (Ya think?) You like good food, good wine, good sex, and a nice place to live!

A Sneak Peek Beyond 2015

A quick recap shows us that this is one of the best years in over a decade for real-estate opportunities. In addition, family relationships are blessed as well, because everything to do with your private life, your home and your family will become enriched both financially and emotionally. Your family might also expand. Difficulties in partnerships have existed for some time now, and will ultimately be resolved one way or the other. This means many of you will go forward without the help and support from others that you had previously received. But this will not hold you back, because by 2018-2019, you will enter a time where you begin to see your ultimate goal. (Aha! It's in sight - almost within reach!) And that's why at this time, many of you will study, go back to school, take courses, travel or do whatever it is that you can do to get performance-ready for a career peak that awaits you in 2020-2025.

Start to plan on a vacation in 2016. (You love to take cruises!). By 2017 job opportunities will amaze you! In fact, the year 2017 will be a time when you can improve your job, get a better job, or remove any thorn in your side (horrible boss?), so that you have a much-improved employment scene. Even your health will improve then. ("I want it all!")

A bit of encouragement: Despite your difficulties in partnerships and relationships recently, by 2018 you will have one of the most blessed years in your life for improving partnerships or meeting someone older, richer or worldlier. This new person in your life could come from another country or a different culture, or come to you from a field related to publishing, the media, higher education, medicine or the law. But one thing is certain: Your closest relationships and friendships will be very dear to you then.

Your Taurus Mantra for 2015

"I am grateful for the chance to improve my home and family relationships, because home and family are gold."

Mercury Retrograde in 2015

Expect delays, lost items and confused communications! Best to finish things, not begin them. These are poor times to buy cars, trucks, bikes, computers, printers and phones.

Dates below are actual retrograde dates and buffer dates. Why? Mercury slows down before it goes retrograde and, likewise, it takes a while to catch up to the degree it was at when it first went retrograde. Use buffer times for big purchases like cars.

Actual Mercury Retrograde Dates Buffered Dates
(I use this one)
January 21 - February 11 January 17 - March 3
May 18 - June 11 May 9 - June 26
September 17 - October 9 September 7 - October 23

Lucky Days for 2015

  • January 1, 26, 27, 28
  • February 23, 24
  • March 22, 23
  • April 19, 20
  • May 16, 17
  • June 12, 13, 14
  • July 10, 11
  • August 6, 7
  • September 2, 3, 30
  • October 1, 27, 28
  • November 23, 24, 25
  • December 21, 22

Who Shares My Birthday?


Miranda Kerr 1983
James McAvoy 1979
Amber Heard 1986
Valerie Bertinelli 1960
Rory McCann 1969
Ella Fitzgerald 1917
Channing Tatum 1980
Sally Hawkins 1976
Penelope Cruz 1974
Kate Mulgrew 1955
Larry Niven 1938


Emilia Clarke 1987
David Beckham 1975
Pete Seeger 1919
Will Arnett 1970
Henry Cavill 1983
George Clooney 1961
Eva Peron 1919
Martha Wainwright 1976
Wendy Crewson 1956
Rick Steves 1955
Frances Fisher 1952
Emily VanCamp 1986
Stephen Colbert 1964
Cate Blanchett 1969
Zara Phillips 1981
Joseph Morgan 1981
Tessa Virtue 1989
Jens Bergensten 1979
Pete Townshend 1945
Matt Czuchry 1977