"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is a though everything is a miracle."

Pisces physicist, Albert Einstein (March 4, 1879 - April 18, 1955)

The Year 2015

Since 2012, difficult planetary aspects between Pluto and Uranus have created unpredictable, catastrophic events affecting countries, weather systems, aviation, accidents and political protests. There are seven times during the interval from 2012 until March 2015 that these occur. But after March, these untoward events will subside. Of course, life will always have unpredictable events and tragedy; but there will be a noticeable lessening of these threats.

Furthermore, once Jupiter enters Virgo in August, the economy and general well-being of both Canada and the United States will improve. Specifically, legislation regarding health-related issues as well as the environment will be encouraging.

Meanwhile, this year, the planet Saturn will be in Sagittarius and remain there for the next two years. The last time Saturn was in Sagittarius was from 1986-1988, and before that in 1927-1929. Saturn rules the law courts and the legal infrastructure of society; and Sagittarius is concerned with the laws that govern higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and how we deal with foreign countries.

This planetary combination will result in legislation about education, immigration, the media (including the Internet), medicine and law enforcement. Sagittarius aspires to ideals in truth, freedom, open-mindedness, spirituality and education, which means a new kind of idealism will permeate legal decisions.

Meanwhile, the three Mercury retrogrades that occur this year will all take place in Air signs, and Air signs are intellectual. This is a further indication of innovative breakthroughs and inventions, particularly in electronics, computers and the high-tech industry.

Ultimately, there will be more stable economic growth especially after August for both Canada and the United States.

I don't believe in a Pollyanna way that we are always progressing to bigger and better things. But this year will see a lessening of difficult situations and a strong encouragement and progress in laws that better society.

Jupiter in Virgo will help to restore Canada's reputation, which has suffered globally in terms of freedom of expression and our overall "nice guy" image. I think we will once again regain much of the respect we have lost not only in the eyes of other countries, but in the individual self-respect of Canadians.

Although the beginning of this year will be tumultuous, and things will, yet again, be stalled in the water from June to September; after that, there will be welcome improvements that will affect millions of people. This year hope is justified!

-- Georgia Nicols
December, 2014

We All Have a Past

Your 2015 annual forecast begins with a nod to the past to demonstrate how accurate or not it is. If what I say about your past resonates with you, then you can trust what I say about your future.

It was around 1994 when your life changed dramatically. You were on a new journey, which would ultimately reinvent who you were. Looking back, you can see that 1995 was a year when you were high viz. People noticed you, and you were looking good! By 1998, good fortune smiled on you, because Jupiter was in your sign. During 1999-2000, job changes and residential moves were inevitable. By 2001-2002, your emphasis was on home and family because you wanted to establish a solid anchor for yourself. This was also a time when many of you expanded your family through marriage, birth or adoption. Job opportunities in 2003 were sweet, and by 2004, partnerships were solid. (Although, at that time you were secretly wondering what you were going to do for the rest of your life. Sigh.)

Travel opportunities and chances to explore higher education, further training, plus opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law looked good around 2006. You were working hard then! Naturally, in 2007, you took a bow. Even though you were still working hard, your achievements were apparent to others. By 2008-2010, partnerships were challenging. Those relationships that were not meant to last ended. This is why many of you were forced to get along on less in 2011. You might have lost support or help with the mortgage or rent, or had less practical assistance. Fortunately, by 2013, your home life was happier. This was also a great year to explore real-estate deals or invest in where you lived to make your home feel more attractive and comfortable.

Last year, vacations, love affairs, romance and playful times with children, and the chance to express your creative abilities, were tops on the menu. You had fun then, because you made a conscious point of doing so. Sometimes it's just that simple. "I'm giving myself permission to have some fun."

Money and Career

This is a fabulous year for your career, your job, your status and your reputation. I do not say this lightly. An unusual combination of a 30-year cycle with a 12-year cycle has come together in a way that makes you the big winner. For starters, lucky Jupiter is travelling through your House of Employment, which means you will have lots of opportunities to get jobs, or improve your current job, or get better duties, or a better working environment. You might even get rid of your evil boss. (Legally!) Whatever the case, you will receive an enormous gratification from your work, not only because you will feel more fulfilled by what you do, but also because you will have a stronger sense of purpose and structure in your life with your job. Many of you will be able to take on more work as well. And you probably can, because Jupiter is also giving your health a lovely boost! Job-related travel is also likely this year.

On top of this (no pun intended), Saturn has reached the top of your chart in a 30 year cycle, which is a clear message that this is your time of harvest. You are about to enter a five-year window during which your reputation will shine! This will come about in different ways according to your age and where you are in your life cycle. For some people, it could mean graduation; for others, kudos, accolades and a great promotion. For yet others, it represents a cherished dream come true. When you combine the fact that you are now entering this time of harvest, along with the fact that you have fantastic opportunities to improve your job, you can't lose. (Do get out of bed!) Take advantage of these marvelous influences, because you can make great strides in your professional life.

Since around 2012, wild, unpredictable Uranus has been in your House of Earnings where it will stay until 2019. This is a sure indication that your earnings will fluctuate and experience change. One obvious manifestation is that many of you will want to be self-employed. Financial independence strongly appeals. If you feel repressed in your job or feel that you are in a dead-end situation, you will really want to get out. ("Heeeelp! I'm trapped in a cube farm!") This influence will even change things in an inner way with respect to your values. Things that you once considered important might not be so important anymore. You might make radical changes; that's the only way you are going to give yourself some room to grow.

If we look more closely at the year ahead, we see that January is a popular month for you. You might be involved more with younger people and creative, artistic types. However, someone might be working against your best interests behind the scenes. Therefore, be careful. In February, you have both drive and energy, because fiery Mars is in your sign. Nevertheless, with Venus also in your sign, you find it easy to be charming and gracious. February is also a good month to buy wardrobe items so that you feel professionally confident. (Buy shoes and boots! If you are well shod, you can conquer the world.) March and April both have a strong focus on earnings, cash flow, job opportunities and financial negotiations. In March, you will be powerful, because the Sun is in your sign. But in April, your focus on finances becomes very direct. Trust your moneymaking ideas during these two months.

May is a month of short trips, negotiations, and strong communications. It's a particularly good time for those of you, who sell, market, teach, act or write because you will have no trouble expressing yourself in a clear, direct manner. Real-estate negotiations might be a strong focus in June. You might also want to change your work environment. Some of you might work from home more at that time as well. July is a good month to focus on the entertainment world, the hospitality industry, and possibly, professional sports. You might explore investing opportunities, especially in the entertainment industries and other related areas. By August, you are keen to get better organized. You will work hard this month, and at the same time, will work well in tandem with others. This is also a good month to improve your relations with coworkers. You might also explore dealings with foreign countries and people from other cultures at this time. Strong competition related to the hospitality industry, sports or the entertainment world is likely this month as well.

The month of September will find you focused on partnerships. Fortunately, although you are busy delegating work in your job, your relations with coworkers are smooth and friendly. Don't put too much on your plate at this time, because your energies are low in September. In fact, you will need more sleep. In October, difficulties with a partner or close coworker might arise. It's important to remember that with Uranus hovering in your House of Earnings, you will be more independent and more opinionated than usual, which means that difficulties with others are not surprising. October is a good time to focus on red-tape details about taxes, debt, inheritances, banking issues and shared property.

In November, travel will appeal. Not only will you expand your world through travel but you might also learn more by taking courses, going back to school or attending conferences. Partnerships continue to be a strong focus in November, but they will blow hot and cold. You will easily charm others, and yet, at the same time, competition or conflict with someone is also likely. December will be one of the strongest months of the year for you, because the Sun will be at the top of your chart acting like a flattering spotlight on you, making you look extremely good in the eyes of others, especially VIPs and bosses. In addition, other planetary factors indicate that you can easily get gifts and favours from others. For example, December is a good time to ask for a loan, or get an increase in your budget, or explore mortgages and funding, or get help through the wealth and resources of others. It's also a good time to negotiate business deals or sign contracts.

I cannot emphasize enough what an opportune year this is for you because you look so successful and capable to others, and are in such a powerful position to improve your job and your situation in life. Make the most of this!

Relationships and Romance

In many ways, your relationships with others will be excellent this year for the simple reason that you are doing so well. You will shine in the eyes of others, and you will have lots of job opportunities. Even your health will be strong and vigorous. Nevertheless, we know by simply looking around us and seeing the careers of others, that this is not always the case. In other words, sometimes a person can enjoy great professional success, and yet, their marriage fails. As I look at your chart, except for some details on the home front from time to time, I don't see this happening. There is one exception, however. If you are in a relationship, and you know that you really should have left that relationship between 2008 and 2010, but you didn't, then quite likely, you are now entering a time where you will feel strong enough to stand up on your own two feet and walk away. What this really means is you should have left that relationship then, but somehow, you couldn't. Now you can.

For most, however, this is a solid year for partnerships, relationships, romance and good friendships. In part, this is helped by your own optimism and sense of vigorous health. You feel good in 2015! Your ability to enjoy this sense of well-being is a positive factor that attracts others to you. In addition, your obvious success at achieving something is sexy in the eyes of others.

If we look more closely at the year month by month, we see that January is a popular month when a friend could become a lover. t will also be intrigued by younger people and those in the arts or creative ventures. February is a great month because with Venus and Mars in your sign you are attractive and sexy. Please note: This is the month to buy wardrobe goodies that make you feel alluring and confident. In March, you shine because the Sun is in your sign. When this happens, which is only once a year, it means people are easily attracted to you. Make the most of this, because it is your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year!

April is a sweet, social month. A casual, daily contact might turn into something romantic. You definitely have an opportunity during this month to appreciate how much love there is in your daily life. You will also have a greater appreciation for the beauty of your everyday world. May is a time when you might have arguments with others. You will be quick to be on the defensive, or even to attack. (Not usually your style.) This could be because it's a busy month, and you feel pushed to the limit. In June, romance will thrive, because fair Venus is in the part of your chart that relates to love affairs. You're confident in June, and not afraid to just be yourself. This is one reason you will you more easily meet others. Ah yes, the mask is off!

Whether due to what happens in June or not, July is definitely a fabulous month for romance, love affairs, vacations, exploring the arts and having fun dates. A work-related romance might begin then, because a work-related romance and cozy times with coworkers appears to last all summer until November. Something is cooking at work! (And October is unusually passionate.) By November, partnerships are a strong focus. Nevertheless, you long for something or someone different. Some of you in committed relationships might be tempted to stray. Always think twice before you threaten a stable situation for a mere bonbon. Be smart! By December, all relationships, particularly sexual and intimate will thrive, because you look fabulous in the eyes of others. Not only that. Venus and Mars are in the part of your chart that rules hot sex. Oh my!

Home, Family and Real Estate

The fact that you will enjoy greater success this year, especially success in your job, as well as an enhanced reputation in general, usually means that your home and family life will fare better as well. Another factor that will favourably influence your home and family life is the fact that your health will be strong this year. You will feel more vital and enjoy a greater sense of well-being. If, for some reason, you have to heal from an injury or a health problem, your progress will be excellent. There is one tiny caveat however (and let's hope it's tiny). You might have to let out another pleat in your shower curtain, because weight gain is likely for you this year. (Groan.) Just remember this and avoid overdoing sweets, desserts and second helpings at dinner. Say no to nachos! A minute on the lips is a lifetime on the hips.

Neptune is in your sign now, and this makes you more compassionate than you have been before in your life. Neptune will stay in your sign until 2025. Because Neptune takes approximately 165 years to go through all the signs, this is an influence not everyone feels. It will give you many opportunities for greater self-knowledge, and a chance to learn who you are, and have a better understanding how you project your personality onto the world. Beware Pollyanna idealism. On the other hand, the quote by Albert Einstein at the beginning of this forecast is apt.

January will be a popular month for you, and you might make new friends, which means you will entertain more at home. February is a good time to mend broken fences with relatives and family members, because you feel particularly gracious, and yet, reasonably assertive and ready to protect your own best interests. March is a time when you might want to shop for special goodies for yourself and loved ones. The month of April promotes relations with siblings and relatives in an affectionate, sweet way. Although you are busy with short trips in May, you will also explore ways to redecorate or make your home look more beautiful. In June, you need time to cocoon at home. You might tackle home repairs then as well. Ironically, even though this is a domestic, private month for you, vacations and romance are also on the agenda. July is the classic month for a family vacation this year, because in August you are busy working. If you have time, you will also want to get better organized at home that month as well.

In September, relations with partners and spouses are a strong focus. However, do what you can to keep the peace in October, because it's easy to be annoyed with others. The need for you to be patient with others continues into November. Fortunately, by December, you're smiling again. In fact, December is a when you will benefit from gifts and favours from others. (Just say, "Thank you!")

A Sneak Peek Beyond 2015

Because 2015 was such a fabulous year for you to improve your job, your health and your reputation in general, it's really no surprise that your reputation continues to be stellar in 2016. However, in 2016 your focus on committed partnerships is stronger. Furthermore, these partnerships will benefit you in a lovely way. Your chances to get a loan or a mortgage are excellent in 2017, because you definitely benefit from the wealth and resources of others, including banks. This is also a good year to marry. Tra la, tra la! Wonderful travel opportunities await you in 2018. This is also a good year to explore further education or opportunities in publishing, medicine, and the law. Lucky Jupiter will be at the top of your chart in 2019, boosting your reputation, bringing you promotions, kudos and accolades. (This could be one of the most powerful years you have had since 2015.) Your popularity rating is strong in 2020, at which time you enter a three-year window where you will dismantle much of what you created since 2008. Fortunately, while this is going on, lucky Jupiter returns to your own sign in 2021, paving the way for whatever you want to achieve. You will have good fortune then! Increased earnings in 2022 will please you. This benefit is timely because in 2023, you enter an entirely new sandbox! Small wonder that in 2024-2025, you move to bigger and better digs, and have a chance to explore the best year for real estate you have had in 12 years.

Your Pisces Mantra for 2015

"This is my turn to enjoy success."

Mercury Retrograde in 2015

Expect delays, lost items and confused communications! Best to finish things, not begin them. These are poor times to buy cars, trucks, bikes, computers, printers and phones.

Dates below are actual retrograde dates and buffer dates. Why? Mercury slows down before it goes retrograde and, likewise, it takes a while to catch up to the degree it was at when it first went retrograde. Use buffer times for big purchases like cars.

Actual Mercury Retrograde Dates Buffered Dates
(I use this one)
January 21 - February 11 January 17 - March 3
May 18 - June 11 May 9 - June 26
September 17 - October 9 September 7 - October 23

Lucky Days for 2015

  • January 22, 23
  • February 19, 20
  • March 18, 19
  • April 15, 16
  • May 12, 13
  • June 8, 9
  • July 5, 6, 7
  • August 2, 3, 29, 30
  • September 26, 27
  • October 23, 24
  • November 19, 20
  • December 17, 18

Who Shares My Birthday?


Jeff Daniels 1955
Cindy Crawford 1966
Sophie Turner 1996
Kyle MacLachlan 1959
Emily Blunt 1983
Sid Meier 1959
Eugenie Bouchard 1994
Victor Hugo 1802
Donal Logue 1966
Patrick Monahan 1969


Lupita Nyong'o 1983
Chris Martin 1977
Buddy Valastro 1977
Catherine O'Hara 1954
Kevin Connolly 1974
Gabriel Garcia Marquez 1927
Peter Sarsgaard 1971
Camryn Manheim 1961
Brittany Snow 1986
Bree Turner 1977
David Anders 1981
Naomi Shihab Nye 1952
Emile Hirsch 1985
Megan Follows 1968
Judd Hirsch 1935
Lauren Graham 1967
William Gibson 1948
Adam Levine 1979
Jeanne Beker 1952
William Hurt 1950