"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana."

Libran actor and comedian, Groucho Marx (October 2, 1881 - February 14, 1975)

The Year 2015

Since 2012, difficult planetary aspects between Pluto and Uranus have created unpredictable, catastrophic events affecting countries, weather systems, aviation, accidents and political protests. There are seven times during the interval from 2012 until March 2015 that these occur. But after March, these untoward events will subside. Of course, life will always have unpredictable events and tragedy; but there will be a noticeable lessening of these threats.

Furthermore, once Jupiter enters Virgo in August, the economy and general well-being of both Canada and the United States will improve. Specifically, legislation regarding health-related issues as well as the environment will be encouraging.

Meanwhile, this year, the planet Saturn will be in Sagittarius and remain there for the next two years. The last time Saturn was in Sagittarius was from 1986-1988, and before that in 1927-1929. Saturn rules the law courts and the legal infrastructure of society; and Sagittarius is concerned with the laws that govern higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and how we deal with foreign countries.

This planetary combination will result in legislation about education, immigration, the media (including the Internet), medicine and law enforcement. Sagittarius aspires to ideals in truth, freedom, open-mindedness, spirituality and education, which means a new kind of idealism will permeate legal decisions.

Meanwhile, the three Mercury retrogrades that occur this year will all take place in Air signs, and Air signs are intellectual. This is a further indication of innovative breakthroughs and inventions, particularly in electronics, computers and the high-tech industry.

Ultimately, there will be more stable economic growth especially after August for both Canada and the United States.

I don't believe in a Pollyanna way that we are always progressing to bigger and better things. But this year will see a lessening of difficult situations and a strong encouragement and progress in laws that better society.

Jupiter in Virgo will help to restore Canada's reputation, which has suffered globally in terms of freedom of expression and our overall "nice guy" image. I think we will once again regain much of the respect we have lost not only in the eyes of other countries, but in the individual self-respect of Canadians.

Although the beginning of this year will be tumultuous, and things will, yet again, be stalled in the water from June to September; after that, there will be welcome improvements that will affect millions of people. This year hope is justified!

-- Georgia Nicols
December, 2014

We All Have a Past

Your 2015 annual forecast begins with a nod to the past to demonstrate how accurate or not it is. If what I say about your past resonates with you, then you can trust what I say about your future.

In the mid-90s, you begin to grapple with your professional life. After years of hard work, you decided to throw your hat in the ring. This was a bold move. You were shifting your focus from your internal world, which had been one of inner and professional development, to your more external world where you would now start to work for recognition. Fortunately, your optimism was strong, and you envisioned big things for yourself. This was also a time when many of you expanded your family through marriage, birth or adoption.

By 1998, difficulties with partnerships (shudder!) did not eclipse your efforts to go after what you wanted, which meant you began to enjoy success in your job. And even partnerships improved in 1999! (Who knew?) Nevertheless, around the turn of the millennium, support from others was diminished or removed, which threw you back on your own resources. Despite this financial crunch, many of you enjoyed travel and distant journeys around 2001, while some of you returned to school or explored publishing and opportunities in the media, medicine and the law. Whatever you did definitely expanded your worldview. As your worldview broadened along with your experience, some cherished dreams were achieved by 2004. For some, it was graduation, marriage or a first child. Perhaps it was your first venture in self-employment, or better yet, affirmation that you were successful. Yet for others, it was getting kudos, promotions and even fame, because this was a time of harvest for Libra.

By 2005, lucky Jupiter was in your sign, once again boosting your confidence and sense of poise. Your success was apparent to others, and you felt proud. By 2006-07, your earnings reflected this success, and you felt flush! You could at least, start to buy some of the pretty things you admire in life. Ah yes, not only is Libra a social sign, it is also the sign of beauty, harmony and the fine arts. You love beautiful stemware, good linens, fine carpets and elegant surroundings, because you are affected by your surroundings. This is why I always say Librans want a good table at a great restaurant. You do!

In 2008, you entered a two-year window where you had to give up things - people, places, possessions, relationships, even prejudices and attitudes that no longer served their purpose. Fortunately, close friends and partnerships were supportive. This was exactly what you needed around 2010, when you decided to start off on a new course. You were beginning a journey that would define or reinvent who you were. No small feat. By 2012, favours, advantages, money and resources from others blessed you both directly and indirectly. In a direct sense, you might have received more money and wealth. In an indirect sense, you received the affirmation that you were on the right path.

Unfortunately, being on the right path does not always guarantee a fat wallet - although it might, eventually. In the last few years, you have felt the financial crunch once again, even though, paradoxically, you have enjoyed opportunities to travel and explore more of your world. Last year, an unusual transit of Mars in your sign for eight months gave you the mettle and derring-do to to expand your plans with confidence to see just how far you could go. "Can I really pull this off?"

Yes, you can!

Money and Career

The good news for your finances and career in 2015 is that you will now stop banging your head against a wall. Ever since 2013, your financial prospects have been tougher. Many of you have made less money, or even if you did not earn less, it still seemed harder to cover your expenses in the last few years. ("Why is there always so much month left at the end of the money?") This wicked window is behind you now. "Be gone!" Or as Libran comedian, Groucho Marx, said, "Go! And never darken my towels again!"

How reassuring to know that this challenging time is behind you for the most part. Ah yes, what the large print giveth, the small print taketh away! Here's the catch: In July, August and September this year, you might yet, once again, feel this financial crunch. But to all intents and purposes, you are really past this influence for the next several decades. Certainly by October, it is gone for another 30 years.

Your winning approach to this year is to look for and rely on the support of others, especially friends and people in groups. In the year ahead, your relations with others will benefit you. This is a fact. Don't go it alone! Accept the help of friends, professional acquaintances and groups to which you might belong. People will help you either directly or indirectly. People will also help you expand your finances and solidify your assets. You might receive advice, hot tips, technical support, direct assistance in your work or much needed encouragement. Whatever the case, it's important to know that others will benefit you this year, which is why you should reach out and engage them. Be friendly! Offer to help people! You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose.

The other major influence is that the year 2015 is the beginning of a three-year window during which you might very well change your job. Older Librans can think back to 1986-1989 for a hint or confirmation about this because cycles very often repeat themselves. It's true that not everyone will change jobs in the next three years, but probably the majority of Librans will.

Let's take a closer look at this year to get a better idea of what 2015 will bring in terms of jobs, earnings, money, financial investments and career. In January, you have a chance to explore or benefit from real estate, because this is a month that can foster favourable real-estate negotiations. Of course, you might be thinking of how this could relate to a job change that requires relocation. February favours the entertainment world, the hospitality industry and show business, as well as professional sports and any work related to children. Mars will be in your work sector then, which means you will work hard, and will also delegate to others.

In March, your focus will be on reorganization and improvements to your work environment. Partnerships could be a tad challenging, but Venus will ameliorate things. Yet again, in April your focus on partnerships continues to be strong. In May, funding from other sources, plus exploring loans and raising money looks good. In particular, money from foreign sources could materialize. Work-related travel in June is likely, and jobs related to publishing, the media, medicine, the law and anything to do with higher education are favoured. July is a very strong time for you, because the Sun will be at the top of your chart casting a flattering light on you. This means you look great in the eyes of others, so this is the time to make your pitch to your boss or anyone in a position of authority, who can help you. In addition, at that time, your ambition will be aroused more than it has been for several years.

In August, your ability to work with groups and be involved with conventions, conferences and task forces will shine. This favourable influence continues in September. By October, you will be especially strong, because this is your birthday month. It is easy to attract favourable circumstances and important people to you at the time of your birthday. In November, your focus on earnings, cash flow and your job will be extra strong. December will be busy with short trips, many business-related discussions, and quite possibly the beginnings of discussions about a new job. Hmmm.

Be open to possibilities that you might normally ignore, because change is afoot, even if you don't think so at the time. You need to work on your contacts with others and network as much as possible this yearI yes yes

Relationships and Romance

This is a wonderful year for friendships and relating to others in general, especially in groups, because Jupiter will pave the way for this for the entire year. In 2012, the planet Uranus entered the part of your chart related to marriage, close friendships and partnerships. It will stay there until 2019 stirring the pot! Uranus often indicates a strong drive for freedom with a rebellious streak. It definitely means that those of you in a relationship that is oppressive or unhappy will likely choose to break free. Fear not! A secure relationship will weather this storm. Nevertheless, Uranus will demand that you make any needed changes. Uranus also highlights your relationship with enemies and open conflicts with others. Sometimes this is a good thing, because it simply means you will stand up for your own rights. All Librans are inclined to rely on smooth talk and diplomacy to avoid direct conflict. You don't like conflict, and you don't like to rock the boat. By nature, you are a people pleaser. You will tend to cut away from relationships that are no longer pleasing or productive. Feelings of self-preservation will propel you to work for your own best interests. At last!

Another thing to keep in mind is that you are now entering a three-year window where both residential and job changes are likely. This could impact close relationships as well.

In January, you will begin this year with a strong desire to express yourself to others and be exactly who you are. You will seek out pleasure, amusements and opportunities for self-expression. Your sex drive will be heightened, and physical lovemaking will be more important. Fun and games will be tops on your menu! Nevertheless, family relationships will be warm. In February, love affairs, romance and fun vacations continue to spice up your life. In fact, a relationship with someone younger might begin. March is a sweet time for partnerships, as is April.

In May, your love life will be passionate, because your sex drive is heightened. At this time, you might also be interested in someone from another culture or a different country. Your focus on other countries continues into June, which confirms that some of you might begin a relationship with someone from afar.

In July, a friend could become a lover, because relations with casual acquaintances will become friendlier and cozier. August continues to enjoy this same warm, friendly, social influence. September is another popular month when you will be attracted to artistic, creative types. You might also be involved with people in a competitive way, perhaps through physical sports. October - your birthday month - will definitely attract others to you, and you will shine in their company! November is a month when a secret love affair might begin. At that time, you will be strongly focused on your job, and the reason for this secrecy could be to protect your professional reputation, or the reputation of someone else. December is another busy, social time for you when you will meet people from different walks of life and make new acquaintances through daily contacts.

It is wise to remember that the overall tone of 2015 is that your association with others will benefit you.

Home, Family and Real Estate

Perhaps the biggest influence for home, family and real estate is the knowledge that you are now entering a three-year window where the likelihood of changing residences is high. I have frequently mentioned this to clients at the beginning of a timeframe like this, and they were sure that they would not move or make major changes. But a year or so later, they did! Therefore, do not be closed to this possibility. Happiness is having alternatives. For some, it could even mean you will source opportunities to have a second home - a cottage, summer home or winter condo. (Another home to redecorate!)

The other thing to keep in mind this year, as mentioned above, is that you will benefit from your association with others, especially friends and groups. This could also lead to something that helps you in terms of family and home. One of the things that could provoke a change in your immediate environment will be your relationship with relatives and close neighbours. You might be discouraged for some reason, or unable to communicate with someone. Be realistic! Be concerned with what is, not with what you think it should be.

A closer look at this year shows that in January, you will have a strong focus on home and family, and perhaps your relationship with a parent will also become more important. Many of you will undertake redecorating projects at this time as well. (Most Librans love home design and redecorating.) February is the perfect time for a family vacation, especially a vacation that allows you to explore new places and learn something new about life and the world beyond your own colour-coordinated sandbox. March is a good time to do repairs and get better organized at home. In April, money from other sources might allow you to do be more ambitious in sprucing up your digs - more than you ever dared dream. "I'm redoing the kitchen!"

May is a good time to have important discussions about inheritances, family estates, shared property, and who is responsible for what. Once again, family travel in June is possible. By August, you are popular, and will no doubt entertain more at home. (Stock the fridge!) In September, you are keen to communicate with others and talk to everyone, because you are involved more than usual with groups and friends. Once again, you might invite people home. October is another month where you are riding high and enjoying popularity. Yet again, you will entertain at home, or do something to make your home more attractive. (This all costs money, doesn't it?)

By November, you will take a breather and hide in the wings. December is a month that focuses on relatives, neighbours and your relationships with siblings. It's a time of busy discussions. You will also be active then, because Mars is in your sign boosting your physical energy. (And you will need it!)

The main thing to think about when it comes to your home and family is that in 2010, you began the journey of reinventing yourself. This journey will be finished by 2018. In the next three years, you will be putting the finishing touches on "new you." These finishing touches will relate specifically to honing and refining how you communicate and even how you think. This is why happenstance might thrust you into a new residential situation, so that everything around you is new and different, which in turn, makes you really "see" and "hear" your surroundings and your daily environment. Habitual routine tends to numb our senses. We only become more alert when everything is different, fresh and new. This is why a residential change might be on the horizon for you.

A Sneak Peek Beyond 2015

The exciting news for Librans is that in September 2016, lucky moneybags Jupiter will return to your sign for the first time since 2004-2005. Glory hallelujah! Believe me when I say that life will get easier! By 2018, your earnings will increase along with your assets. During the year 2020, you will be looking at the best year-long window for real estate, whether buying, selling or investing in real estate. This includes improving your own home. Mark that on your calendar! Fun vacations and romance are promising in 2021. The following year, 2022, you will have wonderful opportunities to improve your job or get a better job. Increased responsibilities with children will also occur at that time for many of you. Inheritances and favours from others, including gifts and money, might come to you in 2023. This is also an excellent year to get a loan or a mortgage from a bank. The year 2024 is a fabulous year to travel. It is also a great year to explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and anything related to higher education. Your career will shine in 2025-2026! Factoid. At this time, you will get kudos, acknowledgement and praise for your efforts.

Sometimes the future is much like the past only longer. But your future gets more promising - no question!

Your Libra Mantra for 2015

"I welcome the help and support of others."

Mercury Retrograde in 2015

Expect delays, lost items and confused communications! Best to finish things, not begin them. These are poor times to buy cars, trucks, bikes, computers, printers and phones.

Dates below are actual retrograde dates and buffer dates. Why? Mercury slows down before it goes retrograde and, likewise, it takes a while to catch up to the degree it was at when it first went retrograde. Use buffer times for big purchases like cars.

Actual Mercury Retrograde Dates Buffered Dates
(I use this one)
January 21 - February 11 January 17 - March 3
May 18 - June 11 May 9 - June 26
September 17 - October 9 September 7 - October 23

Lucky Days for 2015

  • January 11, 12, 13
  • February 8, 9
  • March 7, 8
  • April 3, 4, 5, 30
  • May 1, 2, 28, 29
  • June 24, 25, 26
  • July 21, 22, 23
  • August 18, 19
  • September 14, 15
  • October 11, 12, 13
  • November 7, 8, 9
  • December 5, 6

Who Shares My Birthday?


Elizabeth Pena 1959
Eleanor Catton 1985
Mark Hamill 1951
Linda Hamilton 1956
Clara Hughes 1972
Naomi Watts 1968
Zachary Levy 1980
Tony Hale 1970


Zach Galifianakis 1969
Groucho Marx 1890
Lena Headey 1973
Dakota Johnson 1989
Neil deGrasse Tyson 1958
Ioan Gruffudd 1973
Toni Braxton 1967
Sigourney Weaver 1949
Rupert Friend 1981
Nora Roberts 1950
John Nettles 1943
Josh Hutcherson 1992
Paul Simon 1941
Mia Wasikowska 1989
Emeril Lagasse 1959
Tim Robbins 1958
Felicity Jones 1983
Frieda Pinto 1984
John Lithgow 1945
John Krasinski 1979
Kim Kardashian 1980
Louis Riel 1844