"Welcome and death to our enemies!"

Dan Akroyd (b. July 1, 1952)

A Look at 2012

What can Canada expect in 2012?

Experts in different fields will make their predictions but an astrologer will look at the chart of Canada. "Chart of Canada?" you ask.

Yes, indeed. This is an astrological chart based on the birthday of Canada, July 1, 1867, which, according to an eye witness was completed at 12:05 p.m. (This was 91 years after the US Declaration of Independence in 1776, and two years after Lincoln was assassinated.)

One can look at the chart of a country in the same way one can look at the chart of a person. Canada's chart reveals a compassionate, caring country, eager to please and loath to offend. (Yup, Mr. Nice Guy: the reputation we have traditionally held in the world.) But as each year goes by -- tick-tock, tick-tock -- our charts change by one degree per year. This is why even though our essential character remains the same, with the passage of time, our style changes.

Canada will always have a nice-guy image, but these progressed charts (changing one degree per year) will occur. The last one took place in 1981, after the Trudeau era ended. Since 1981, we have slowly assumed a tougher, more aggressive image, or at least we are perceived that way in the world.

This is about to change.

Now, in 2012, for the first time since 1981, Canada's progressed chart will change again. We will lose our tough image and be viewed by other countries as the land of plenty. (Whaat?) We will appear richer and more affluent to others. We will also be a country that seems to be optimistic about our future.

We will look like a haven for big business and a place where the outdoors (our parks and wild animals) is valued. Please note: What we appear to be and what we are might not be the same thing, but generally they're not too far apart. ("Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.")

This is encouraging news, especially because the entire world began a new cycle in 2011, which last occurred from 1927 to 1935. (Drum roll here.) The Great Depression.

But Glory Hallelujah! Here is an encouraging distinction: Yes, the world, including Canada, will experience the repeating cycle of 1927-1935, which portends grim financial times for everyone. But starting in 2012, Canada will assume the appearance of affluence and optimism. Go figure.

Perhaps we can't say, "I'm all right, Jack," but it appears Canada will weather tough times better than other countries.

Cancer, Come Fly With Me!

Boarding Pass and Seat Number

You're such a nuturing sign I call you the Big Tit! You can fix anything - a tasteless soup, an ailing plant, a crying child, a stalled machine and a broken heart. You're a caring friend because you're sympathetic. Of course, this kind of sensitivity makes you vulnerable as well! (Your feelings are easily hurt.) You value quality but hate to pay full price. (Let's face it: you're cheap.) Fortunately, the best things in life are on sale sooner or later. You have more staying power than any sign in the zodiac. You're not a quitter. (A company is known by the people it keeps.) You don't like to make the first move, you watch the other guy. You're a great cook, you have a green thumb and you're funny! You like the water, whether it's a soak in the tub or sailing. (You've also noticed how many friends you suddenly have when you rent a house on a beach.)

Hours Logged

In the mid-90s, you were on top of your game. Partnerships were looking swell and by 1997-98, many of you received inheritances, gifts, advantages or benefits from the wealth of others. Or perhaps your partner got a raise? By the turn of the millennium, your popularity was growing. Nevertheless, by 2001, you entered a three-year window where you began to dismantle much of what you had created since 1988. This was not easy for you. You hold on to things. Your closets, cupboards and drawers are full! ("I might use this one day.") And you're often right. Your prudent practicality can pay off, but let's face it: You've got too much stuff! By 2004, many of you had given up a lot in terms of possessions. (There's an old army saying: "Three moves are worth a fire.") But you also gave up a lot with respect to friendships, relationships, jobs and homes. This was major. All of this set the stage for a time from roughly 2003-04 until 2009-10, which was when you virtually re-invented yourself. And it's true! If you think of your life in 2002 and compare it with your life in 2010, what a difference!

In-flight Introductions

(Relationships and Romance)

Ah yes, sex can lead to close dancing and this year, increased popularity can lead to romance. You'll be very popular in 2012! (The last time this happened was around 2000-01.) Many will join classes, clubs and associations, which in turn will lead to new friendships and flirtatious titillations. You'll make a strong impression on others this year because you're so assertive. For the first half of 2012, you'll feel "lucky" because of a special relationship with Jupiter that helps your life to flow more easily. This is good because there are challenges. Relationships that are "over" will end. Don't try to save anything not worth saving. (A challenge for you, who can't let go of anything or anyone!) Nevertheless, others will think highly of you. In the meantime, remember that it's important to look good at a distance.

Holding Pattern

(Job and Career)

This is a wonderful year for your career and reputation. Lucky moneybags Jupiter is travelling across the top of your chart boosting your good name and putting it up in lights! That's why you're working so hard: You sense you can get ahead. Expect a promotion, praise or some kind of public recognition. Work-related travel is likely. Job opportunities in medicine, the law, higher education and travel are also possible. Yes, there are obstacles. This is a fact. ("Whaaat? Again?") While Saturn squares your sign, this is inevitable. But lo! Saturn will stop squaring your sign in October. (And will not hassle you like this again for 14 years.) This is a particularly good year for business and finance, in part because you're not afraid to think big. ("But Alice, this is the biggest thing I ever got into!" "Ralph, the biggest thing you ever got into was your pants.")

Useful Load

(Home, Family, and Galley Slaves)

You continue to focus on home and family. Like last year, you want to secure your home base, which is why some of you are making residential moves, but most are busy with repairs, renovations and doing whatever helps you feel snug and secure in your safe refuge. But something is different this year. Your everyday exchanges with others are powerful! You project yourself now with strong energy! The upside is you easily get your point across; the downside is you will overwhelm or threaten others. Money will start to flow your way, which helps. But something you started around seven years ago is being tested now and might discourage you. Authority figures are tough. ("Talk to the hand!") Do not focus on so-called failures. It's time to saddle up, lock'n'load. Move on! (If you don't let go of the old, how can you make room for the new?)

How to Get the most Air Miles Out of 2012

You were successful in 1996-97, and you began something new in 2003-04; now you're rounding Cape Horn. From here on, you're headed for a future career peak that will be evident by 2018. The fastest way to get there is to secure your home base and work successfully with others because people will help you. One reason they will help you is you are so convincing at promoting anything, or impressing people with your direct style of communication. (If you've got it, baby, flaunt it! Fake it till you make it!) Form partnerships with others this year because this will benefit you. Let go of whatever is not working because it's just deadwood you're carrying around. Lighten up! (Literally.) It's time to give up your Latin habit: Veni, Vidi, Velcro. "I came, I saw, I stuck around."

Your Cancer Mantra for 2012

"Letting go is not loss, it's freedom!"

More Porridge, Sir?

Good news! The cavalry is coming! In July 2013, lucky Jupiter will enter your sign and stay until July 2014. Yippee! (If that isn't good news, what is?) The last two times Jupiter was in Cancer was during 2001-02 and 1989-90. (Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?) These are always fortunate times for anyone; however, they come only once every 12 years. You can expect something to happen to really boost your self-confidence and poise. And it couldn't come at a better time because in 2013-14, increased responsibilities with children are a strong possibility for some, while all of you will face that age-old question: "What do I really want to be when I grow up?" (Think: What can I do that is really fun and makes me happy?) Do what you love and the money will follow. Hey, the Ark was built by amateurs, the Titanic by professionals.

Mercury Retrograde in 2012

Mercury retrograde times are frustrating. They generally occur three times a year for about six-to-eight weeks causing delays, transportation breakdowns, mixed-up communications, missed appointments, lost paper work, misplaced items, computer crashes and server problems. Oy! Newspapers, courier services, the Post Office, accounting firms and service industries get hurt the worst. Furthermore, each Mercury retrograde has its own flavour because it occurs in a different sign.

But they can also be used properly if you're smart. In a nutshell, just avoid some things and try to do others.

What to avoid: Avoid shopping for ground transportation like cars, trucks or bikes. Avoid shopping for items related to communications like phones, answering machines, computers and printers. I get mail asking if it's OK to buy a sofa or a washer or dryer... yes, it is.

What to do: Charge your cell phone. Pay your phone bill. Keep gas in the car and a working flashlight. Smile a lot. You will suffer from delays! Try to anticipate these and do some damage control ahead of time. Tackle repairs. (These will go surprisingly smoothly.) Clean out closets, drawers, desks and cupboards. Finish projects. Do research into the past. Study anything. Contact people from your past. Re-apply for a job. Try to get something you wanted before that fell through. Try again! Organize old photographs. Finish that "to do" list. It is easier to deal with the past than go forward into the future.

There are two sets of dates below: The actual time of Mercury retrograde is on the left. But Mercury slows down ahead of time, and then takes a long time to "catch up" to where it was when it first went retrograde. These longer time periods are on the right. When buying pricey transportation or a computer, I recommend respecting the dates on the right.

Actual Mercury Retrograde Dates Still Dicey for Big Purchases
(I use this one)
March 11 - April 4 March 6 - April 23
July 14 - August 8 July 4 - August 22
November 5 - November 26 October 29 - December 14

Famous People Who Share Your Birthday


21 Prince William 1982
22 Dan Brown 1964
23 Frances McDormand 1957
24 Lionel Messi 1987
25 Romeo Dallaire 1946
26 Derek Jeter 1974
27 J. J. Abrams 1966
28 Gilda Radner 1946
29 Matthew Good 1971
30 Lena Horne 1961


1 Dan Ackroyd 1952
2 Margot Robbie 1990
3 Patrick Wilson 1973
4 Manolete 1917
5 Edie Falco 1963
6 Dalai Lama 1935
7 Kirsten Vangsness 1972
8 Anjelica Huston 1951
9 Dean Koontz 1945
10 Alice Munro 1931
11 Liona Boyd 1949
12 Pierre Burton 1920
13 Patrick Stewart 1940
14 Jane Lynch 1960
15 Forest Whitaker 1961
16 Ginger Rogers 1911
17 Mike Vogel 1979
18 Jack Layton 1950
19 Edgar Degas 1834
20 Carlos Santana 1947
21 Ernest Hemingway 1899
22 Ron Turcotte 1941

Lucky Days for Cancer in 2012

  • January 7, 8
  • February 3, 4, 5
  • March 2, 3, 29, 30, 31
  • April 25, 26, 27
  • May 23, 24
  • June 19, 20
  • July 16, 17, 18
  • August 13, 14
  • September 9, 10
  • October 6, 7, 8
  • November 3, 4, 30
  • December 1, 27, 28